The Exhausted Man and Yet Another Arguement

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There was an indescribable warmth surrounding me. Though I have to admit I have a murderous feeling in the pit of my stomach right now. And my head it throbbing.

When I open my eyes I stared off into space for a moment wondering what happened last night. I don't remember anything but listening to music and stealing a beer bottle from the fridge. Which tasted bile, like sea water and seltzer.

My gaze wandered around the room until I looked up.

I froze


That's when I realized I was on top of a sleeping Greyson and nothing made sense. Before anything I looked down to see if I was still clothed and noticed that there wasn't much on me that made boundaries between us. I was barely clothed.

When I looked back up I saw that Greyson was completely clothed, in fact he was still wearing his button down and slacks. His eyes were closed and his breathing was steady and calm. I've never seen him like this and admittedly it warmed me up inside to see it. I was hesitant to get up, for some reason I feel comfortable like this.

No Sage

He's not your husband yet and you're not 18, you can't think this way

Not about the manwhore, anyone but the manwhore.

I couldn't help it though, my hands suddenly moved on their own and hesitantly moved the strand of hair that fell on his forehead. His hair was soft and smooth, he also smelled really nice. 

All of a sudden his eyelids began to move then open. Our gazes met and I felt my heart rate fasten from the intensity. "Sage?" Oh my gosh, his voice is so gravelly and deep right now, I'm going to die from a heart attack at this rate. "You're awake?"

For some reason I was too astonished to speak and my eyes quickly averted from his.

"You must be feeling like shit." He scoffed lightly.

Oh my gosh, this is what it's like to wake up with him, it hasn't even been five seconds and he's cursing. Though he was right, I did feel like crap.

"I'll go get you some medicine and some water." Greyson said but didn't move. Was he exhausted? Actually I've never seen him sleep, not that I tried to see it, but he's asleep after me and wakes up before me. Especially after getting these towers he has been busier than ever and comes home late and leaves hours later.

Greyson closed his eyes and sighed.

I feel like crap but it's my fault, he shouldn't have to overdue it for me. So I got up but was immediately pulled down. "Where are you going?" He growled.

My eyes widened, for an exhausted man he sure has a lot of strength.

"To get...meds and water?" I replied, quietly.

"Didn't I just say I was going?"


"So why are you getting up?"

"Because..." I gulped. "You look tired."

"And?" His eyes opened and brows furrowed.

"I feel bad."

There was a moment of silence, no words exchanged just a stare down between us. His eyes were really mesmerizing, like an expensive jewel. They were scary though too, penetrating into my own gaze.

"When the fuck are you going to start relying on me?" Greyson asked.

I stilled.

"You've been stressing yourself out, worrying yourself, and now getting drunk?" He continued. "All because you feel bad?"

"But Greyson—" I started.

"No fucking but's Sage." He snapped. "I'm tired, yes. But that isn't any of your concern as the man you are supposed to marry it boils my blood to see you hide things because you're worried about me. That's not how it works, I'm a grown man, you're a teenage girl. Seventeen year old's only need to worry about Prom and Graduation."

I pursed my lips. "Greyson I don't want you doing this all for me."

"You would allow the man you love to do this for you, would you not?" He asked. "If you can rely on a man based on love then you can rely on me because I'm your fiance. You know it's my job to make sure you're taken care of."

I pushed myself off of him, getting angry. "I don't want you to feel obliged to help me."

"Fuck." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "How many time am I going to have to reassure you that this isn't an obligation to me."

"You'll never be able to because we're only in each other's lives because of our families, we're not..." I stop.

"We're not?" He frowned.

"In love."

Greyson's jaw hardened.

I dropped my gaze and covered my mouth. Why did I say that!? What is wrong with me, of course we're not in love. Greyson is incapable of it, he's a manwhore. Not to mention our age gap is to great for us to have a romance, I'm not even supposed to be with him yet, much less engaged.

Before it got weird I ran to the door and tried to leave—key word tried. Until the door was slammed closed and I was now pressed against it with Greyson's shadow engulfing me.

"Then fall in love with me." Greyson says.

What did he say?

I looked up, his eyes on me, serious and cold. "What?" I breathed.

"If love is an issue for you, fall in love with me." He tells me. "Maybe if you learn to love me, I can learn the same for you."

"You can't learn to love." I snapped.

"Then tell me what other choice do we have?" He asks. "Do you want me to shower you with love everyday? Kiss you? Do you want us to have sex? Tell me Sage what will it take for you to start relying on me and trusting me?"

"Greyson..." I sighed. "I refuse to fall in love with a guy who will break my heart."

He stayed quiet.

"You're lifestyle...being a ladies man and being around all these beautiful women and sleeping around..." I crossed my eyes. "I can't do that to myself. I want to love someone who will truly love me back. Though I know I'll never get that know." I chuckled dryly.

Wearing a pissed off expression and without saying another word Greyson left the room, slamming the door behind him.

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