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Scarlett is probably angered with me, I can't imagine she'd be happy that her father is tardy to the dinner she worked so hard to plan. The fact that she somehow got Bianca behind a stove is almost impressive and I'm curious to see the outcome.

Today was another busy day, Father and I had meetings back to back. Hamilton has been passing off his share of the Blackstone businesses to me. After Hanna got pregnant he's spent most of his time trying to make amends for treating her so poorly int he past by giving her all the support he can.

So with his share I've become a lot more busy than I appreciated but thankfully we've hired help to take care of the tedious things. Nothing major just the paperwork I don't really want to do, I have to double check in the morning but at least it's just a simple proof read versus doing all of that at once.

I'm due for a vacation, unfortunately, I have to save that for the summer to spend the maximum amount of time with Scarlett.

I arrive at Bianca's home, a more than luxurious but overpriced mansion. One that I've grown comfortable visiting the past few years. The goal was for Scarlett to never see the woman again, and although what she did was out of place, she's still the mother of my child. One that Scarlett worries over constantly.

"Dad!" Scarlett runs out of the estate, watching my car pull into the drive-way from her bedroom window I assume.

Walking over to her I give her a giant hug and kiss on the forehead. "I'm sorry for being late."

"It's okay, mom had to remake the food because she burned the first few batches."

I chucked. "First few?"

"Oh..." She slaps her hands across her mouth. "I wasn't supposed to tell you."

We both walk inside and find ourselves welcomed by a mixture of smells that were both good yet horrible. How can such a perfectionist be so terrible at cooking, the thought was intriguing.

Scarlett drags my with my hand towards the kitchen, where I see Bianca standing next to the counter top with loads of food and mess all around.

"I'm not made to be a housewife, this is absolutely ridiculous." Bianca sighs, slamming the dirty pots into the sink. "Goodness, Scarlett, I hope you're better at this than me when your married.

I frown. "Can we not talk about my only daughter getting married."

"Get over it."

Dismissing her comment I decided to ask the burning question. "So...we ordering takeout or?"

"Already on it's way." She pulls out her phone. "Called them after I ruined the ham."

I nodded. "I'll go change out of these clothes."

"I already laid out your casual wear on the bed." Bianca walks out of the kitchen. "I'll be in the office, I've got a few calls to make."

Scarlett ran off somewhere without me noticing, so I proceeded upstairs and went to the master bedroom. There on the bed was exactly what Bianca said, one of my t-shirts and a pair of my favorite sweats.

I went to take a shower, knowing Bianca she ordered food that would take a numerous amount of time. The last thing I want to do is waste time loitering in my filth. Besides the stressful day I've had, a hot shower was tempting.

When I finish I walk into the closet, Bianca neglected to set aside a pair of briefs so I went into search for a pair. As I did I pass her collection of pricey wigs, there was only four of them, one for any of the few occasion's she attends too. Last week we went to a formal gathering with some friends of hers and she chose the long dark one. It was her favorite one but she doesn't like using it for just anything.

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