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That's what you can describe Bianca as.

From the moment she enters your life there is no escape from her venomous bite. All it takes is a blink of the eye and you're a goner.

If there's anyone who knows her dangers more than anyone it's Greyson. Bianca has a lack of empathy and therefore could care less about her actions and how they affect someone. There was no better proof than the moment she decided to stab Greyson in a vital source of life even he didn't know existed within him.

The moment Bianca went to the clinic and came out no longer pregnant can be marked in history as the day Greyson Blackstone destroyed any possibilities of love that manifested inside of him.

"You're going to look at the bloody child and tell me that's not your's?" Richard scoffs, folding his glasses and tucking them into his pocket. "She's most assuredly carrying five generations worth of Blackstone, I mean you can see that clear-cut resemblance to your mother just from her eyes alone."

Richard and Sage believe more than anything that Scarlett is the child Bianca allegedly "aborted". And although I'm hopeful, I'm cautious. The last blow from this child hurt Greyson bad and if he is to develop an attachment to the child and it's not his, who knows the effect it will have on him.

He may even turn into me and that can't happen. I worry that even Sage won't be able to repair a damage like this and Greyson dotes on her more than anyone.

Sage nods. "That's what I said, how can a child coincidentally have such a distinct color? Greyson your eyes are not common at all and you should know that more than anyone."

What's more interesting than anything is the fact that Sage whole-heartedly accepted the possibility of Scarlett being Greyson's daughter. Not even, it amazed me to see her rush and comfort the girl after that scene with her mother. Most women would be devasted to hear such news and accusations. Most women wouldn't stick around for the drama.

And Sage is only eighteen.

"Well, dear, you can call me Grandfather." Richard says to Scarlett, kneeling down to her level. "Despite what your father thinks I believe more than anything you're my granddaughter. I mean you have impeccable beauty, there's only one person to thank for that."

"Mom was indeed quite the beauty." Greyson says.

"Yeah, Mrs. Blackstone gave me Stacy's Mom vibes all day every day." I joined in.

"You bloody fools!" Richard stands straight and shouts. "I'm referring to me you twits."

Everyone laughed.

Including the quiet little girl among us, who finally cracked a smile.


While Sage and Richard were entertaining the girl, Greyson stepped outside. I decided to follow him because it's rare that he leaves Sage alone. He's an overly obsessed and possessive fiance, you'll never see Sage without Greyson or vice versa.

He stands at the balcony and sighs.

"How's it going?" I ask.

Greyson rubs his face. "Even all the money in the world can't get me the tests quicker than three days."

"It's been a tough two days but you'll know by tomorrow." I inform him.

He looks at me. "Be honest with me."

"Alright, I confess, your dad has told me I'm his favorite." I grin.

He scoffs. "Fuck off, you know that'll never happen. His favorite child will always be his bloody towers."

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