The Man of Surprises and The Engagement Announcement

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Have you ever been in a situation where you're so nervous you feel like you're about to faint? Like every muscle you have grows weaker by the second and your heads spinning? Well at this very moment I am in this situation.

"Ah!" I hear a warm voice say behind me. "Isabella made a fantastic choice with this gown."

Turning around I am greeted by a smile, one that I've grown accustomed too over the past year. One that I'm sure my Mother loved to see whenever it was shown to her. Grandfather stands proudly wearing an expensive black suit.

Isabella chose the gown I would wear this evening. She scolded me for even shopping for a dress by myself in the first place for an event as important as this. Obviously, I was irritated because I spent hours trying on dresses to see which one Greyson would like. But I knew when I saw the rack—imported from Paris of course—my dress had no chance.

The gown I am wearing for tonight is a gorgeous hand-sewn red dress. Each stitching as incredible and remarkable as the rest. It was long and fell all the way down to my feet but thanks to a pair of heels I was able to add a little height.

I had several choices to make but since Greyson's favorite color is red I chose it for him. I'm such a girl.

"Grandfather." I smile back.

"We're waiting for you downstairs." He informs me. "I wanted your father to fetch you but he insisted that he be surprised as the rest to see his daughter walk into the ballroom."

My Dad is such a goofball.

Grandfather had me get ready in one the private suites of the hotel before he took me downstairs to show me off and announce my engagement. Greyson was also placed in a suite but I'm sure he left long before me since he doesn't have to do much to look good.

I exhale. "I'm...I'm ready."

"You sound a little nervous." Grandfather notices.

I rub my hands. "It's just...I don't know overwhelming that this is the night we've waited for. After this there's no going back at least, there's no going back without shame."

"No need to worry, darling." He comforts me. "I know Greyson can be a handful but I didn't chose him just because he was the son of a close friend of mine."

I stare at him, confused.

"When I was informed I had a Granddaughter I cringed." He frowned. "My daughter had a child with a man who was not of my choosing. But it came to my attention that the man I chose for my daughter was no good. He was scum, actually. And because I hadn't noticed I led a man like him to drive my own child away from own family."


He continued. "So yes, you can say I'm repeating the same mistakes as last time. Perhaps I am. But Greyson has a perfect reputation among everyone, he's well-liked and envied by many for his charismatic charm. And one thing that I realized from that is I've never heard him treat any woman with disrespect." Grandfather's eyes fall to the ground, sadness clouding his gaze. "However, that boy has been through a lot of misfortune and unfortunately it's corrupted his view on monogamy. On love."

What did that mean?

"He loved his mother very dearly, probably more than the rest. So losing her ruined him but didn't destroy him." His eyes meet mine. "It wasn't until a poisonous woman showed up where he got totally corrupted. These things don't justify his actions but I'm sure if you can prove to him that this is for sure you can return that same boy from before."

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