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Bianca has been shouting ever since we arrived back to her home, angry for things I had no control over or even wanted to happen in the first place. Thankfully Scarlett is a heavy sleeper and hopefully we don't have to assure a child that everything is alright when it isn't.

"Of fucking course, not only was our night cut short because you're a workaholic and wanted to check on your hotel to see it was functioning the way you want, but we bump into the Sage Slade." Bianca smiles maniacally.

I'm surprised she isn't basking in the idea that Sage doesn't know any of that. Bianca and I left a hotel in the later hours together, any sane person would've automatically assumed we situated ourselves in a romantic manner.

Sage's expression is still burned into my memory.

I couldn't even enjoy the fact that I've finally seen her for the first time in years, instead all I can think about is that pained look in her eyes. Not to mention that she was at a hotel owned by my family with another man...


Out of every hotel why would she chose mine, if anyone should feel anything and be justified it should be me. I can't be the bad guy in this scenario, no, I refuse to be.

"Are you listening!?" Bianca snaps in my face. "Stop thinking about Sage for one fucking minute! Right now she's getting plowed by whatshisface not giving two shits about you, the least you can do is not act so fucking pitiful."

I frown. "You do not talk to me like that."

"I'll talk to you how I please, you're kicking a dead horse being sad about a girl who not only left you at the alter but has completely moved on."

I stand up and walk up to her closely. "She left me at the alter because of you!"

"No she left because she was an immature girl who couldn't handle a shake down from the mother of your child!" Bianca stabs her finger into my chest. "Any girl who would listen to anyone but the man she loves does not deserve him!"

I scoff. "And you're any better?"

"Excuse me?"

"You took a piece from me for years and hid her, my own daughter." I growl. "I forgave you and now you're being a fucking hypocrite and saying I should be mad at Sage for something that doesn't even compare to what you did."

Bianca shakes her head. "You'll never let it go."

"I didn't even get to see my daughters first steps of course I won't let it go!" I roar. "I'll never experience her first words, or the first time she smiled, or any of that shit because of something you did! So do not stand there and belittle Sage for walking out on me because she wasn't ready, you had a grudge against me for loving my child more than you and lied to me about aborting her. Sage was willing to accept that reality and you poisoned her mind into thinking otherwise! You are not the same!"

Suddenly the room became silent.

My heart was racing and I all I wanted to do was leave, the realization that I'm an idiot for even entertaining the idea of being with Bianca again. This woman will never change in my eyes and as much as I'll try to forget what she did, I won't.

Bianca clears her throat. "Take her and leave."


She glares at me, her nostrils flared. "Take Scarlett and leave, I don't want to do it anymore. I spent these past few years trying to work my way into your good graces and I'm done. You are an impossible man and I don't want anything to do with you from here on out. I won't deny you time with your daughter, you have full custody after all. So please, the least you can do, is fucking leave me in peace."

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