Fangorn Forest

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Ithilwen's POV

We have been walking for hours. It is getting dark, or maybe that is just how this forest always is. We had seen some strange tracks a while ago and decided that maybe those tracks led to our friends. 

Gimli of course is being as 'Gimli' as ever.  Aragorn and Legolas had told him about the forest and now he has become paranoid. 

 "Aragorn, something is out there!" Legolas said in Elvish. I saw Aragorn look around then turn back to Legolas. 

"What do you see?" Aragorn asked. 

 "The white wizard approaches," Legolas replied reverting back to westerner. 

 A familiar feeling washes over me. A feeling of security. Aragorn raises his sword as Gimli and Legolas prepare there own weapons. 

 "Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us. We must be quick!" Aragorn says to us all. With a yell, the three swing around to attack. 

 A bright light envelops them from the Wizard, causing Ithilwen to cover her eyes. Gimli throws his axe, it is shattered. Legolas launches an arrow, it deflected. Aragorn's sword becomes red hot in his grasp and clatters to the forest floor.

"You are tracking the footsteps of two young Hobbits." It was a statement not a question and my eyes widen as I smile, I know that voice. 

"Where are they?" Aragorn demands I can imagine the wizard smiling as he gets some enjoyment out of teasing us. 

 "They passed this way the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?" 

 I can't hold on anymore, I push past Gimli and run to the wizard my arms outstretched. I wrap my arms around him as I hear the others protest. 

 "Who are you? Show yourself!" Aragorn yells, anger laced in his voice at both me and the white wizard. 

 The light dims down to reveal a very familiar face.

Legolas' POV

Rage and hurt ran through my body as Ithilwen ran to Saruman. How could she betray us like this? 

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Aragorn yells, I can hear the anger but my Elf ears also detect the hurt in his voice. He to must feel betrayed by Ithilwen. 

 The light dims down and guilt sweeps through me as I kneel, "Forgive me, I mistook you for Saruman." 

 Gandalf smiles as he shifts his staff to his other hand, Ithilwen's arms are still wrapped around him tightly. She embraces him like a daughter would embrace a father when he comes home from a long journey. 

 How did she know he wasn't Saruman? In the corner of my eye I see Gimli join me, kneeling on the ground as well. Aragorn wears a look of shock. 

 "I am Saruman. Or rather, Saruman as he should have been." 

 Aragorn finally finds his words, "You fell." 

"Through fire and water. From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak, I fought with the Balrog of Morgoth. Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside. Darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead and every day was as long as a life age of the Earth. But it was not the end. I felt life in me again," Gandalf explained before he looked down to the small women still gripping him tightly as if she was afraid he would disappear.

Gandalf's POV

Tears stained Ithilwen's face as she looked up at me, searching my face, looking for a sign that she might be dreaming. I smile gently at her, "I let you fall." 

 She bowed her head in shame as I felt tears hit my neck. "No dear one, you never let me fall." 

 She sobbed into my neck as I tightened my grip on her. Before I had come back, I had learn't of her identity. The information had shocked me beyond imagining. The decisions this poor girl was going to have to make would be the hardest of them all. 

 When Ithilwen had calmed down I looked back towards the others. "I've been sent back. Until my task is done." The group was still in shock, as was obvious by the way they looked and spoke my name. "I am Gandalf the White. And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide."

I lead Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Ithilwen through the forest. I wear my Elven cloak over my white robes. As we walk through I explain what we must do. Gimli, as per usual, complains. Aragorn jokes about my so called 'riddles'. 

 I smile at him, walking out of the forest.

Legolas' POV

Gandalf whistles loudly, Aragorn, Gimli, Ithilwen and myself look at him in confusion. He whistles again. It echoes off into the distance just like the last. As the echo dies out a neigh answers him. 

Looking into the distance a majestic white horse comes galloping towards us. As he gets closer my eyes widen in awe. "That is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell." The horse is beautiful. 

 Gandalf smiles as he gently pets the horse. "Shadowfax. He is the lord of all horses ...and has been my friend through many dangers."

Ithilwen approaches Shadowfax with a smile, "hello Shadowfax." 

 He looks towards her and neighs before he places one leg under his body and bows at her. 

 My eyes widen, as do Gimli and Aragorn's. Gandalf just smiles at the scene as Ithilwen bows to the horse in return. 

Ithilwen was seated behind Gandalf on Shadowfax who had kicked up a storm when she had tried to mount Arod.  Once we had all mounted a horse Gandalf led our way to Edoras.

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