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Ithilwen's POV

"We wish to grant you a gift Galadriel," a beautiful woman said, her whole body was bathed in light. Galadriel bowed to this woman and my eyes widened. I had never seen Galadriel bow to someone before, this woman must be of great importance.

"We believe you have been alone far to long. Manwe and myself wish to change this." She hands Galadriel a small bundle of cloth.

"This is Ithilwen, she is the result of the love between Manwe and myself. But she can not stay with us in Valinor. I have seen her future and in order for things to go the way that they must, she must stay here. As a gift we have blessed her with the blood of your kin. This officially makes her... your sister."

Galadriel is smiling at me as I wrap a small hand around her finger. She laughs as I let out a gurgle. "You are so special little one, you bring a gift no one in Middle-Earth has yet to see."

Elbereth nods her head as as he expression turns serious, "Yes and it is for this reason that she must be trained. Her full powers will never come to show themselves if she is not trained and shown love."

Galadriel nodded her head, her eyes never leaving mine. Elbereth took one last look at me before she sighed sadly and disappeared with her husband.

It was a few months later when I could hear chanting around my crib. The last thing I saw was Galadriel running towards my crib screaming my name as the whole world disappeared.

A moment later I woke up on cold wet grass. Looking around I did the only thing a baby could do. I screamed. I don't know how long I screamed for when I was lifted from the ground and taken into a warm building.

That's when my eyes flew open and I sat up gasping for air. Looking around I was sitting on the floor. Before me were thirteen people. Each one watched me with a look of interest, all except two.

At the center of the line were the two people from my vision. Manwe and Elbereth. Manwe looked at me with a proud expression, whilst Elbereth was barley holding back tears.

"Nana? Ada?" That was all it took for the woman to rush forward, taking me in her arms and hugging me tightly. I all to eagerly hugged her in return. This was my mother. These were my parents.

Guilt spread through my body as I remember all the times I had a feeling of hate towards my parents. The people I had never known because I believed them to not want me at all. When in actuality, they had given me a sister and a life.

"I am so sorry, my child. For the life of me I did not foresee Sauron transporting you to another world. I did not foresee any of these events. You were meant to restore life to Middle-Earth, to settle down with your Fay Mate and live happily. I am sorry I did not save you, you do not belong here, it is not your time to be back here..." mum cried into my neck as she tried to apologize even more. Shushing her quietly I told her that there was nothing to forgive and I love her.

It was then my father approached.

"We can send you back, little star. We can send you back to Middle-Earth so that you may continue your life the way it should of been. You will still have your powers and you can finally learn to control them." Looking up at him I smiled. That's when it hit me, I could make a trade.

So many lives had been lost maybe I could bring some of them back. I knew it was a long shot but I had to try.

"I want nothing more than to return, but there are others who's lives were cut short. Brave men and a loving woman who should still be amongst the living. I offer a trade. If Eru will grant it. For the lives of every member that was apart of the company of Thorin Oakenshield who has died, for Boromir and Haldir. But also for Nostariel (Nohs-tar-ee-ell) Mother of Legolas Greenleaf. I offer to stay her if they may be sent back for another chance at life." I look to them both with pleading eyes.

They look at each other than back to me, "you would give up a new life so people you barely know could have a second chance?"

There is no doubt in my heart or mind as I nod my head firmly.

Both of them smile proudly at me. "If it is the will of Eru.." my father begins.

"Than so shall it be!" Came the replies of everyone as the room glowed brightly before dimming again. My mother lifted me from the floor her eyes showing love and pride.

My dad now hugs me telling me about how brave I am.

It is then my mother gasps as she grips her chest. Father quickly rushes to her, "what is it my love?"

Her eyes widen as she looks at me with pain filled eyes.

Suddenly my vision blurs as an image of Legolas enter my mind, he is standing on top of a cliff looking out across the waves.

"Elbereth if you can here me now, please, return her to me," he begs as tears stream down his face.

Days pass and he does not move from the cliff face until one day he looks up, "Ithilwen, if you can hear me now, I promise we will be together again. I can not bare to be parted no longer, I love you." He jumps.

Screaming, the vision ends and I stare at my mother as tears fill both our eyes. "Make him forget me," I beg to them, getting on my knees before them, "Please, if it keeps him alive, make him forget."

I stare at them frantically as they stare back sadly and I know they won't do it, "PLEASE!" I scream as tears fall freely from my eyes.

Suddenly I start to glow. My mother is smiling sadly at me and I hear her voice in my head, 'Eru will not let a soul forget love, but to save an innocent life he will give back a love which has been lost. You have proven your worth many times. But you proved you capacity to love when you willing sacrificed a new life for yourself, to bring back the people your loved ones have lost. Go now, live a free life. They are waiting."

It is then that everything goes black.  

LOTR: The Untold Tale (A Legolas/OFC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now