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Ithilwen's POV

It was now early morning and we were setting off for Mirkwood. Our friends had promised to meet up with us there in two weeks. Legolas could not wait to see his home or his father. Neither could I. We traveled for days before we got to the boarders of Mirkwood, I shuttered at the sight. 

Although the spiders were long gone the wood were still dark and infested with webs. Quickly we made our way through the forest before Legolas asked his mother and I to put on our hoods. We did as instructed and the gate was opened. 

 A man who looked exactly like Legolas, except older was waiting with a proud look and a huge smile.

Thranduil's POV

I smiled brightly as I saw my son approach me, dismounting his horse he walked forward. Not usually one for hugs but having missed him so I wrap him in my arms, holding him as I use to when he was a teen. 

 Looking behind him I saw to more horses, both with cloaked figures, "Legolas, who are your friends?" I ask curiously. He pulls back and smiles brightly gesturing for the two figures to come forward. 

 As one of them dismounts I catch a peak at a white dress. Ah, so he has found himself a bride? But is she worthy of my son? And who is the other person?

Slowly they approach us and bow, I return the sign of respect and look back at my son. "Father I wish you to meet Ithilwen Aranel," the woman I had seen dismount pulls back her hood and I am spellbound. She is gorgeous. 

 "My lord it is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Legolas has spoken fondly of you." 

 Smiling inwardly I put on a mock serious expression, "thank you Lady Ithilwen, may I ask who you parents are?" I mean no harm by this question but I want to be sure she is worthy enough for my son. 

Although with the way he looks at her I don't think I will say no. Even if she were and elf from a family not known to anyone in Middle-Earth. 

 Her smile brightens at the mention of her parents, "I am Ithilwen Aranel, Daughter of Manwe and Elbereth. King and Queen of Vala." My eyes widen and my jaw drops as I turn to Legolas who nods. 

 "I am also youngest sister of Galadriel, Lady of Light." She continues as I feel my head spin at this information.

That's when my eyes land on the cloaked figure beside her. "And who is your friend?" 

 She smirks at me, "someone very dear to you my King," slowly the cloak is removed to reveal......Nostariel? My body freezes as I stare into the eyes of my beloved wife. But it cannot be, she is dead. 

 "Legolas?" I ask, wanting to know what is going on. 

 "It is really her Ada. Ithilwen struck a deal with her parents and Eru. She asked that Naneth and a few others be brought back for a second chance at life." 

 My heart burst and I run to my wife, engulfing her in my arms as I take in her appearance. She has not changed a bit. She is still as beautiful as the last day I saw her. Letting her go I turn to my sons future wife. 

 Smiling at her I open my arms. She runs into them, accepting the sign of my blessing. "Thank you, no words can describe what you have done for me." 

She looks up and smiles, "you deserve it my king, you all deserve a second chance."

Two weeks later....

Ithilwen's POV

I was dancing with my husband, surrounded by friends and family. We had been married before sunset and had danced the night away. 

 Suddenly Legolas pulled me from the dance floor, dragging me through a door off to the side of the ballroom. 

 "My Love, where are we going?" I ask gently as he leads me to our quarters. 

 "I have bound myself to you in marriage My Love, now I will bind myself to you through body, spirit and heart." He approached me slowly as he pushed me gently on the bed. 

 The rest of the details are not for ears as young as yourselves but lets just say I unlocked my power that night. 

 When we reached the height of our pleasure. Pure white light erupted from deep within me. But it wasn't going to be until morning when we found out what changes had been made.

Morning after.....

Ithilwen's POV

I woke up to my husband planting sweet kisses up my neck. Moaning lightly I roll over and kiss him gently. 

 "It is time for breakfast, my love, get dressed and we will go meet the others." Smiling I hurry to make myself decent. Never before have I felt so full of life. 

 As we make our way to the great hall, I notice things have changed. The palace is brighter, more lively. When we enter the hall we find it empty. 

 Thinking this odd Legolas asks one of the guards where he could find is father. "They are outside your highness. Something amazing happened last night." 

 We rushed to the door of the palace. Throwing them aside and racing outside. The sight before us was breath taking, long gone was the dark, dreary, web infested forest. In it's place was lushes green trees and sweet music as the birds returned to the beautiful forests. 

 "How?" I asked astonished. 

 "When new life is created by someone with the blood of the Vala, darkness is chased away." I stood frozen at the words my mother just spoke to me through my mind. When new life is created? 

 What life has been... My eyes widen as my hands dart to my flat stomach.

"Legolas?" I gasp. Immediately everyone is by my side, worried expressions on all there faces. 

"Ithilwen what is wrong?" 

 "I did this," I state gesturing to the forest. 

"How?" Thranduil asks me gently. 

 I relay the message my mum had sent me and give them some time to come to there own collections.  

As I thought Arwen, Eowyn and Nostariel are the first to realize the meaning to this as they rush forward squealing and jumping in excitement. 

 This freaks out the men in the group who cluelessly ask what is going on. 

 Turning to Legolas I grab his hands, placing them gently on my stomach, "My love, you are going to be a father." 

The men's eyes widen at the news before congratulations are thrown our way. But I am waiting to see how Legolas will react to the news. 

 Slowly as bright smile plants itself firmly on his face as he leans in and passionately kisses me.

Gandalf approaches me, looking at me in a fatherly way. He place his hand upon my stomach gently and laughs, "indeed you are most blessed my dear. You are expecting twins!" 

I wasn't aware Legolas' smile could get any bigger until that announcement. Turning to me I read his thoughts and nodded in agreement. 

 "Aragorn? Gimli?" They both stepped forward as Legolas placed a hand on each shoulder. 

 "Will you both be god fathers?" Both men smiled brightly, immediately agreeing. "Arwen, I know they will be your cousins, but I want you to be a god mother." She smiles at me as tears fill her eyes. Next I turn to Eowyn asking the same thing. My answer is the same.

I smile to myself. My family is complete. Not even a year ago, I was a nobody, I had no family. Now, I had a two mothers and two fathers, a sister, a niece, a nephew-in-law, a husband and twins on the way. My life is officially perfect.

The end.

LOTR: The Untold Tale (A Legolas/OFC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now