What little light is left.

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Ithilwen's POV

Grima was tossed to the wet ground as Theoden king charged forward. Gandalf had just expelled Saruman and the king was not happy. Not that I blame him but killing would not make anything better. 

 Running after him I grab his arm, "Please don't," I beg. "No good will come of killing this man, it will not change the past and it will not improve the future." 

 Theoden looked into my eyes for a minute as his features softened. I walked to the pale man lying on the floor, holding out my hand I smiled at him. 

 He took my hand and I helped him up. As I turned around to make my way back to the king I felt cold steel against my neck and an arm wrap around my waist. 

 My body froze as my eyes widened in fear.

The men went to approach us, trying to offer me aid but all it did was make Grima tighten his hold on my waist and press the blade further into my throat. 

 I whimpered as I felt warm liquid slide down my neck. Quickly everyone backed up and the blade was pulled away slightly, but the hand never loosened. 

 "Please Grima, you don't have to do this," I tried to reason but he hissed at me, telling me to be silent.  

Looking up, everyone was wearing looks of both anger and concern, "you, elf. Bind her hands. Any funny business and she dies." 

 Legolas approached slowly, picking up some spare rope from the ground. I held out my wrist and gave him a small comforting smile. In his eyes flashed determination. Shaking my head I begged him with my eyes to follow Grima's orders. 

 He sighed and quietly bound my wrists before walking back to Aragorn's side. "I want a horse, the girl comes with me, anyone follows she dies."

Theoden called for a stable boy to bring forth a horse. We mounted, me in front of my kidnapper. 

Looking over my shoulder I smiled once more at my friends, "have faith." I whispered into the winds. 

Grima urged the horse forwards and we ran into the distance. A tear fell from my eye as I had a sad thought. What if I never saw them again? What if I never saw him again? Like the setting sun my hope was lowering fast. 

 Bowing my head I pray to Valar that what little light is left, please give to my companions. They need all the hope they can get.  

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