Chapter 2

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A ghoul. It was staring at me from its now crouched position and it didn't blink.

Neither did I.

We kept staring at each other until my eyes got too dry, finally forcing me to blink. The second I opened my eyes the ghoul was gone, leaving me alone in the pouring rain once again.

The rain had dimmed slightly which was good. Now I could see my surroundings more clearly. It was too late in the day for me to have seen the ghoul clearly. If only the sun would have spared me a bit more light today.

We all want what we can't have.

* * *

Laying comfortably in my bed I was aware of my body being almost entirely asleep. My brain would be asleep too if my phone didn't decide to ring the moment my mind finally started to slip away.

I stretched my arm with my eyes closed to the bedside table and blindly reached for my phone. Once I opened my eyes the phone brightness blinded me. I uttered some curses as I squinted my eyes and waited for them to adjust. With my eyes still half closed I tapped 'accept' and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I said my voice drowsy and slightly frustrated.

"Sarah? It's me," her voice sounded rushed.

"Ty? Hey, what is it? Are you in trouble?" I sat upright and turned up the volume.

Tyrisha, Ty for short, is my best friend. She's been there for me ever since we were little kids and our biggest problem was what we brought to school for lunch. She lend me her shoulder whenever I needed it. She was by my side as we grew up together. We weren't much alike though. She's very innocent and timid unlike me carrying around knives and pepper spray and all.

"No, nothing happened it's just-" She sighed, "I don't want to say it through the phone. Can we meet tomorrow. Please? "

"Yes, bu-"

"Ok, see you then, bye!" she hung up.

I froze for a second. What the actual hell was that? Why did she sound so rushed? Maybe she was running late for something.. at night. Pretty odd that she took the energy just to call me to meet up with her at 1 am. Normally she would've texted me. So what prompted her to call instead?

I sighed knowing that contemplating about it wouldn't get me anywhere. I opened up my phone and tried calling her again.





"Ty, wha-"

'I'm currently unvailable, please try calling again in a few hours.'

''Oh for fu-'' I shut the phone. I hate when voicemails start with a hello. Total bait.

I locked my phone and put it back on my bedside table.

I mustered up all the strenght I could find in my half asleep body and succeeded in getting myself out of bed. But the moment my feet hit the ground I started hopping around like Tiger from Winnie the Poo. The floor was cold against my blanket warm feet.

Once I managed to get out of my room without my feet turning into iceblocks I walked down my short corridor and entered the kitchen on my left.

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