Chapter 3

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I was frozen in place as I kept staring at the now brown spot where my blood had dripped after he was done drinking it. How... did he get inside? How!? Everything is locked, the windows cannot be opened from the oustide. 

I quickly ran over to my front door and checked the locks. Everything is in place. But that can't be. I started to panic and felt incredibly tired all of a sudden. I leaned my body against the wall and slid down into a crouching position as tears started to stream down my face out of pure panic and disbelief. The ghoul I caught staring at me last night had managed to follow me home, break in and drink my blood in my bed. Not only that, I had not a single clue as to how he got inside and left again with all the locks still in place. 

''I could've died. I could have died, willingly. Why was I willing. Why did I not realise!? Goddamnit (Y/N)!''

I stayed there on the floor until I finally managed to calm down a bit, at least enough to be able to walk around in my clearly unsafe apartment. I entered my bathroom in order to make myself look presentable at least. I inspected the wounds on my body and made sure to sterilise the areas before bandaging them up. 

I lightly slapped my cheeks making a pink hue appear on them.
"Come on, Sarah, get yourself together, you have to meet Ty." 

For now I had to forget about this, just for a bit so I can at least appear put together. After I get things taken care of I will make a game plan and see how I can guarantee my safety in this apartment again.

An uneasy feeling settled itself in the pit of my stomach, making me feel even worse. I really didn't want to get out of the house tonight, but it seemed like it was an urgent matter.

I took a hot shower hoping to calm my nerves. Afterwards, I threw on some undergarments, my favorite pair of jeans and a basic long sleeved black shirt with a crowneck. After putting my hair in a (high/low) pony tail, I put on and laced up my worn out black combat boots and put on my oversized navy colored jacket.

I put my phone and keys in my pockets and headed out. I figured that walking would be best since I didn't trust my nervous self to drive a car, my parents' old car. When I still lived with my sister we had the car renewed after the wreck.

While walking I realized Ty hadn't given me a specific place to meet up so I decided to give her a quick call.

"Wow, guess who picked up their phone," I said in a sarcastic tone.

''Heh, sorry...'' I could hear her apologizing demeanor through the phone. 

''Hey Ty, I'm on my way to.. where exactly?"

"O- oh yeah! I forgot to say it, I'm at a newly opened small cafe. You know the bar Helter Skelter, right?  You walk past it and keep walking straight until you see a tall blue building. Turn left after passing that building and then just keep following the road for about a minute," she sounded like the normal Ty again, the cheery friend you remember. ''It's the cute brown cafe with little bears on the front! You can't miss it!''

"Wait, why are you even there? That's pretty far from your house. There are quite a few places to sit and talk near."

"That's because they have the best cupcakes here! And they have little bears on them."

"Ah yes, there's the truth,'' I smiled. Ty has this weird way of making me forget about troubling thoughts sometimes. ''Okay then, I'll let it go this time. I think I'll be there in, say, ten to fifteen minutes?"

"Sounds good. See ya soon!"

I quickened my pace and once I reached Helter Skelter I tried taking a quick glance inside. The keyword here is 'tried'. The windows had a black film over them, making it almost impossible to look in while the ones inside could see the outside clearly. I felt myself being looked at which sent a chill down my spine, so without wasting another second I passed the bar.

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