Chapter 30

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Keep scrubbing, keep scrubbing and let them shine again.

I was currently cleaning the windows of the store and I was almost finished. Today it was day three and yesterday surprisingly nothing happened. Not even a touch. Just barely a glance before he said that he would be home late and left.

I was very confused for that matter, but I shouldn't keep digging my nose into his business. Even though I want nothing more then to do so.

Why he was so distant yesterday, I wouldn't know. He just told me he would be late and left. Even now, a day later, he was still gone. How long would he be away?

I admit, I missed him, but I'm not going to change my personality and be submissive to suite his tastes of a maid. This was my last day anyway. After today, things would go normal, hopefully. But we all know I'm an unlucky person and fait loves to play with me.

Finally wiping away the last dirt on the windows I threw the cloth back into the bucket with soap water. I didn't received the orders to clean but I did so anyway. After all, what kind of a maid would I be if I did nothing else then watching tv and train?

I just hoped that this would lighten up his mood a little when he came back. Whatever the reason he is gloomy, I want it to disappear again. Sure, I felt a little bit hurt because of his actions and I would like to ignore him back, but I wasn't from the childish actions.

Sighing I exited the shop and turned the open sign to closed and entered his home.

I quickly took a change of clothes and walked to the bathroom. I didn't bother closing the door for I knew he wouldn't come back soon.

I undressed and turned on the water. After stepping under I began washing my body, then my hair. I couldn't deny the feeling of hollowness, which I found pretty unusual. Normally I could seal away any sort of emotions but this was different.

And why did I miss that douchebag anyway? It hasn't even be a whole day and yet I miss him. If he won't return by tonight I'm going outside and I'll mingle.

I had never gone out but I'm lonely because of that douchebag. Making a new friend or two wouldn't be bad right? Human friends?


"Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink!"

I tipped my surprisingly heavy head back and chugged down the last beer. The crowd around me cheered and drunk some themselves too.

It was currently the day after I made my decision to mingle. Uta didn't came back so I went out. I wore my made dress simply because I couldn't care less about what people would think of me. I went straight to a bar and met some college students and from there on I was with them.

We all went to one of the girl's house and spent the night there. And oh, boy, they like to go at it. They kissed so much. I, of course, backed up in a corner and became drunk, but I made sure to stay a little bit sober so that I knew what was going on.

It was the first time I had gotten drunk. It was nice to forget a little bit of my past and Uta. Just, not to worry about anything. Normally I wouldn't even think about getting drunk, but directly say no to it. I like to think straight and act normal and not like a monkey trying to imitate a just born cow.

Right now I wasn't even close to being drunk, so I drank some more. Uta hasn't even looked for me, if he had he would've already found me long ago. I guess that's what upsets me. Him not being concerned about me.

I chugged some more beer, and more, and more.

How dare the stupid tatooed mask guy leave me? I did so much for him! Like, like cleaning and, stuff. Damn him! I'll show him what happens if he doesn't watch over me!

I walked a little around the house party, more like fell sometimes and dragged myself. I spotted a blonde guy in the living room where almost everyone was dancing. Though, I'm not sure it could be exactly called dancing.

I walked up to the guy, grabbed his shoulders and turned him around. He was surprised for a moment but the surprised face was soon replaced by a smug look. He put his arm around my face and pushed me against him while his other hand rested on the side of my face, slightly tilting my head upwards.

''What is it you need, sexy?''

Now, I didn't exactly know what happened, but boy, I did not see that coming.

''Let her fucking go.''

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