Chapter 5

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Edited Yay!

This chapter mentions THE R-WORD situation without using the R-word. PLEASE SKIP IF THIS IS A TRIGGER! Sorry for not putting in this disclaime years ago when I wrote this, I was a dumb child unknown to these things.

I smeared some peanut butter and strawberry jam on different bread slices. I did not like those two together. I honestly don't know how people can even eat PB&J sandwiches. On their own they're fine, but together? I shuddered, I will never understand the person that came up with it.

I opened up my laptop and searched for available positions in CCG. I need to send in my resume alongside my application, but I will also make it a point to send them an email with my personal motivation towards the position. After all, my previous work experience has nothing to do with ghouls. Bartending, tutoring, working in-store at the grocery store. Unless I've unknowingly helped out customers that were ghouls, as far as I've known those positions had nothing to do with ghouls. 

While I got busy with filling out my application and preparing my letter of resignation that was to be handed in on monday, which was tomorrow, I didn't realise nightfall dawning on me. 

After quickly finishing up the last part of my resignation paper I checked the locks on the door again and made sure all the windows were properly closed, just in case. Eating breakfast for dinner, since that was the easiest option right now, I grabbed my new dagger and put it under my pillow. I also put one on my bedside table. To make sure that I had a third less obvious and quicker option I put on my small belt that goes around my hip and thighs. In the pockets I stuffed some smaller knives. 

''It's been hours, why am I still not falling asleep!'' 

The whole night I spent tossing and turning hoping to rest my aching body, but the fear of him maybe getting in my safe space again made my mind too restless to releas control. A day of almost dying twice followed by a sleepless night is sure to make my focus less... clear. 

I got up from my bed and went straight into the bathroom to get ready. Once I got dressed I grabbed some breakfast and downed an energy drink before grabbing another one for the road and head out.


''You can quit right now.'' 

''But ma'am, isn't there supposed to be like a two weeks notice? I have yet to officially find another job.''

''You should have thought about that before deciding to quit. There is a ton of younglings such as yourself who want this job. Why would I let them wait? You don't want us, we don't want you. You can leave your things and exit the personel area.''

Younglings. She can't be serious. 

''Alright then. Thank you for letting me work here for the past year. Goodbye.''

I left the institution where I worked as a tutor for different school subjects and helped students with their schedules. Since I am officially unemployed all I can do is pray the CCG accepts me.

Just as I finished that thought my phone began to ring. Since I knew it couldn't be anyone else, I could guess just who was calling. 

''(Y/N)? We have recieved and reviewed both your job application for the investigator position, resumé and additional motivational email. We'd like to invite you to an interview at our location.''


I have to admit, when they invited me to an interview I would have never guessed they meant right now. Like, right now. I looked around at the small room I found myself in in CCG. The door opened to reveal a man in a navy suit without a tie. 

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