Chapter 9

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''Don't forget your mask.''

''You know, for being so careful not to make a sound a couple of days ago, you've started to become awfully comfortable ordering me around in my own home.''

''First of all, I was wrapped in nothing but a towel. Secondly, sorry. Oh great lord of Emo, please make sure not to forget to bring your mask for you own good,'' I retorted dramatically. 

He cocked his eyebrow and looked amused, ''That's better. And if it means you'll be more silent you should wear my towel more often. Just my towel.''

A blush krept up my cheeks and my stomach fluttered. What the hell was he saying and why could I not put a stop to these developing feelings? I usually have full control over my actions, so why not this too. Unbeknownst to me, he was aware of the reddening blush on my face.

''Which mask do I bring?''

I furrowed my brows, ''I don't know, just choose one of your hundreds of masks.''

He showed me four options, a completely white mask with what looked like no holes for the eyes, a mask that represented a plague doctor with multiple scattered across the upper half of the mask, a third mask with multiple circles going from the sides of it towards the middle and finally the last one that only covered the top half of his face and had two crossing stripes on it. 

''This one seems cool,'' I pointed to the mask that respresented plague doctors. ''Plague doctors were pretty cool. You know, stuffing their beak with herbs and stuff.''

He stuffed the mask into his draw string bag and I did the same with my own. I made sure to also include food and drinks in my own bag since I knew there wasn't going to be a food supply for a day or two. And with that, we set off. 


We drove in comfortable silence towards the location Stefan had given me the directions to. The location where we were going to make camp for a day was a small clearing in the woods, a safe distance from the prison. If I didn't know any better I would think the prison was abandoned. 

''Stay close to me,'' Uta broke the silence.

I took a quick glance before putting my eyes back on the dirt road. His skin looked more pale in direct rising glow of the moon. His eyes were as red as ever, making them appear almost glowing. His jaw was sharp and part of his neck exposed, making me weak for just a moment.


''They won't care if something bad happens to you. We're going to stay close.''

I stayed silent in agreement and didn't protest any further. I couldn't tell if he was being caring, protective or possessive. 

Or all three.  

Finally reaching the small clearing I parked the car close to the other cars. Stefan clasped his hands together as we stepped out, making the attention of the group turn towards us. 

''Ah, (Y/N)! Welcome back. And...?'' He looked at the tall ghoul beside me with a questioning expression. 

''Uta. I'm staying with her.''

''Very well. I have a surprise for you (Y/N). I didn't want to mention it to you before but now that you're here, I'm sure this will elevate this whole experience for you.'' 

''Nicki,'' my body froze as he said that name, ''show yourself.'' 

''Long time no see, lil' sis.''

There she was, my sister. 

She didn't look quite the same as she did when I was left alone. Her blonde hair was now long and died black, the end of her hair dip dyed in a greyish purple color. She wore tight ripped black jeans with mutlipe belts and a ripped black top with a studded leather jacket that was missing the sleeves. The only thing that remained the same was that cocky smile of hers which was enough to make me lunge towards her. 

''Wow, hold on there.'' 

Uta and Stefan grabbed me from either side of my arms, effectively saving Nicki from getting punched in the face. I was fuming, shaking. I promised myself to take my revenge and put her through what she made me go through. Except, physically. 

''You ruined my life!'' I screamed at her. ''You left me and for what!? After all the lies you made me believe, you just left me! Just like mom and dad!''

The silence between her and I was filled with whispers from the surrounding people. Her face was latched with concern and guilt and her eyes wavered. 

''(Y/N), I'm sorry.'' 

''Sorry doesn't cut it. I'm gonna show you what does though. I'm gonna make you feel the pain you made me go through.''

''I had to. I was left with no choice. If I didn't I would put your safety in danger.''

''My safety!? My safety got endangered when you left.''

''You don't understand! I had to leave in order to save you from me!'' If she had any traces of cocky-ness earlier, there was not a trace of that left. 

''You left me for you boyfriend!'' 

''I left you because I'm a GHOUL!''

This time the silence was pure, making it painfully obvious to not only me but also all the ghouls how fast my heart was hammering in my chest. Everyone's gazing was shifting between me and my sister. 

''Mom and dad were both human,'' I spat out. 

''They weren't. Mammaw was.'' She meant our grandmother from my mother's side. When we were little we called her mammaw instead of grandma. 

''You're lying. That's impossible.''

''No, (Y/N), listen to me. I'm telling the truth!''

''All you do is lie!''

''I'm a ghoul for fuck's sake!'' At that moment her eyes changed, the whites dissapeared to make room for black and her pupils turned into the familiar red I got accustomed to the past few days. Her kagune was out, which consisted of four ribbon like extensions coming out of her back and curled around her body as they comfortably pointed forward. They were a deep purple color while the edges of them were a light ping. 

Uta slightly pushed me behind him and covered me, shielding me just in case. I put my hand on one of my daggers ready to pull it out if needed. 

''I was hungry. I hadn't eaten for too long and I felt myself going manic. I avoided getting home so I could stay away from you for as long as possible every single day. You were in danger, (Y/N), please.'' She was begging me to understand. But I couldn't erase the years of pain I had to endure because of her. It wasn't that easy.

''Stay away from me. If you become a bother I will kill you.'' I turned towards Stefan who had long let go of my arm. ''And I will go home.''



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