Chapter 15

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''Sarah! It's time! Go up there and finish it off!''

I put my hand on Uta's chest and lightly pushed. He, surprisingly, gave in. He looked lustful, as if he wasn't satisfied yet. ''Go end this so you can start with me,'' he said a smirk taking over his face.

I nodded and turned to leave. I jumped of the roof we were standing on and sprinted towards the place where everyone was fighting for their lifes. A few noticed me and screamed at the others to leave.

I jumped on the building and started climbing my way up. I wasn't scared of heights, but scared of injuring myself. Nonthless, I continued climbing. I felt like a monkey, climbing, not stopping. I looked down to see if everyone exited, but saw men and women running out.

Finally having reached the top of the building, I took a moment to catch my breath. Climbing prison is really hard.

Good to know, now finish it.

Finally breathing normally again, I let my eyes roam over the city, I stood really high. My eyes landed on a figure dressed in black, sitting on a bench. As if feeling my gaze he raised his head and connected his red eyes with mine. I remembered our first encounter.

The roles have changed.

I turned to look at the roof. There was, just as Steve had said, a gigantic tube on here. It was screwed with 4 enormous nails. My job was to unscrew those. Because of the weight of the tube, it would fall trough prison and destroy it all. Of course, the lower part was already damaged, so it would be easy.

I walked over the first nail and positioned my dagger. I used a lot of power and turned it. Finally it gave in and I continued with the second and third. The roof started to shake a little, letting me know that I was close.

I waited for the last signal I was supposed to get before beginning to unscrew the last nail.

There were still people exiting the building when I heard it. ''Now!''

The next thing didn't go exactly as planned.

You think.

I once again placed my dagger and started unscrewing, and the screw came loose.

The roof started to crack,to shake and I knew that this was bad. I wanted to run, jump, anything, but the shaking got worse and I couldn't keep my balance and fell.

The roof cracked more and more. I've gotten myself in very dangerous situations in my life, so far. But this, this was the worst of them all. I crawled to the tube and slowly climbed in it. At this point I couldn't feel my limbs, I was numb.

I heard someone faintly calling my name. But I already started going down.

I held on to the sides of the tube for dear life. The bottem was open, so if my grip faltered I would die. I held on with all my strenght. My heart hammered in my chest. I felt that the tube past the highest floor. I looked down and saw that I had 5 more floors to go.

Every time I past a floor my grip failed me bit by bit a little more. By now tears were slowly falling down my face. The tube was now destroying the third floor.

I felt something on the top of my head. I looked up hoping I would spot my saviour, Uta, my ghoul. But it was something completely different. It was a piece of cement. All the previous floors were coming, crashing down, ready to kill me.

I realized I was going to die.

No shit Sherlock.

Glad the irritating voice never failed me.

I was hit with a great force, a big peace of the cement. And I fel.

I kept repeating Uta's name in my head, in hopes that he would magically show up and safe me, but to no avail.

One moment I was flying, and the next I was lying on the ground.

My body was numb. My vision was still shaking. The building was still busy being destroyed.

I didn't know when it stopped, but it stopped. It was quiet, and dark. I couldn't move anything. I heard a trumpet, just for a second. It stopped, and sounded again.

I concentrated really hard and made out my name. They were calling my name. I was sure my saviour was one of them. I wanted to scream so bad. I didn't want to die. I wasn't ready. The romance between Uta and me has yet to be unfolded but I couldn't hold on to reality.

I felt something wet on my side, blood. I grunted and to my luck someone heard me.

But it was too late.

''Sarah, no,'' someone whispered.

I was gone.


This is not the end! Stay tuned, and as always don't forget to vote & comment! 'Till the next.

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