Chapter 2

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~ A Few Days later ~

Patricia's POV

Why is he so intrigued by that stupid brat. Yes, I know, Georgia is pretty. And can do no wrong. Except any girl who isn't one of her loyal sheep could tell you she's a horrid twig bitch. She acts all sweet and nice, but if your not popular you're fair game. Her and her 'friends' will eat u alive. I should know, I've been her target sense the 6th grade.

"Marcel, what are you doing?" I asked him. He has been sitting on my couch starring at the wall for the past hour.

He came over to study for the pop quiz Mr. Plaque promised us. It was simple algebra. Nothing Marcel can't handle. He's the smartest boy I know.

"Um, nothing just.... algebra?" I knew he was distracted.

"What number are you on?" I asked knowing he didn't have a clue.

"Ummm, number four?"

"I'm on problem 28, so are going to tell me what's going on?" Something is definitely bothering him.

"It's nothing," he said turning away a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Ooooo, obviously it's a girl. So spill already." He turns to me slowly. Yes I broke him. He looks at me with the biggest grin on his face.

"Okay, you're right it is about a girl. But I'm a little uncomfortable talking about her." He said trying to end the conversation. But I wasn't going to let him.

Marcel's POV

"Come on Marcel, please just tell me." She said desperately, looking a lite hurt that I didn't want to tell her.

Why couldn't she just drop it already. It weird talking about a girl I like to a girl who happens to be my friend. But the way those eyes of her's looked when she pouted. *sigh* I could never say no to her.

"Alright, alright. What do you want to know?" I asked her a smirk threatening to show on my lips.


"Okay let's start simple," she started. "What's her name?"

"Georgia Rose," I told her. I couldn't stop smiling.

"Oh, that's... nice," she said. I thought I saw her grimace, but then she was smiling happily. I must have imagined it.

Patricia's POV

What the fuck! He likes Georgia the twig bitch from hell?! How could he? He sees how she treats me. Georgia Rose is evil.

"Oh, that's... nice." Come on Patricia just smile, it's just a crush.

"Yeah it is, but sadly I don't think she knows I exist," he said sighing once more.

"She doesn't deserve you." What? Did I really just say that?

"No, you're wrong. I don't deserve her." He said tears welling up in his eyes.

"Oh," I said scooting over chuckling a little. "Baby, you know I'm right. Your special, and she's stuck up."

Marcel's POV

I got a hold of myself. Deep breaths Marcel, deep breaths.

"Ah, that was... weird," I laughed lightening the mood. "Lets get back to work, shall we?" I extended my arm for her. She giggled and grabbed on.


(Y/N) Did u like it? I worked pretty hard on it so.... yeah. Please comment and vote. Comment what u think and what u would like. Bye and thanks for reading. :)

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