Chapter 7

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~ Five Days Before Prom ~

Marcel's POV

I haven't seen her sense that day at the drees shop. I don't know why I got so heated. I was mad that she would hang out with such a low life like him.

"Marcel, are you even listening to me." Georgia practically screeched at me. "Ugh fine, then you don't need to hear about the travesty that is Patricia Marigold."

"Fine wha- wait what?" Did she just say Patricia? What happened is she all right? If that piece of shit Tomlinson did anything to her I'll kill him. Rage started to well up in me again.

"Oh nothing, you didn't want to listen anyway..." She trailed off knowing she was getting to me.

"What about Patricia?" I said through clenched teeth.

"Just that she's going to prom with that weird emo kid or whatever. Trisha told me that she heard they were having sex or something in the school bathroom. Like what a skank." She laughed at her own remark.

Patricia was going to prom with, with Tomlinson? The anger was gone, like a flame snuffed out by a quick breeze. Why did I feel so lonely and broken right now. Why did I care who she went to prom with?

I got up from the chair out side the fitting room so that I could pace. But as I stood up, my lower regains were assaulted by a sudden tightness that mad me fall right back down to where I had been sitting previously.

"Damn pants," I mumbled. While pulling at the fabric. Georgia makes me wear these ridicules clothes. I'll agree that yes I do look good. But they are so tight. My balls feel like they are suffocating.

"What do you think?" Georgia asked stepping out of the dressing room in yet another outfit that made her look like a street walker.

"Lovely," I said not really paying attention. Sex in the bathroom? That didn't sound like Patricia. At least not my Patricia.


Hi (Y/N) what's up? (Rhetorical question) sorry I haven't posted in a while. This chapter didn't turn out like I would have hopped. Next chapter coming soon. The story of the girl forgotten is coming to a close. But don't worry there will be other stories soon that I'm working on. Comment and vote. Thanks :)

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