Chapter 3

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~ The Next Day At School ~

Marcel's POV

We were walking down the hall, talking about calculus. When I felt my head being smashed into the lockers next to me. I colapse to the floor in a heap. My glasses slide down my nose. The tape scraping at it slightly.

"What the hell you asshole?!" I heard someone yell. But the sound of the thundering blood in my ears was to load to decipher who. I let out a quite moan, that really hurt. I try to stand but the room starts to spin. Gentle, but firm, hands grab me below the shoulders. Steadying me, and easing me back down to the ground.

"What's it to you freak?"sneered a, deep gruff, voice to the obvious girl holding me protectively. All I heard was a hiss in reply.

"What's wrong with you animals?" Asks a different voice. It's smoother and silky. I hear a snaking noise and a gasp. As the first set of hands retract quickly and a new set of soft, delicate hands take their place.

"Not you too Georgia," said someone else to my left.

"We were only having a bit of fun with these weirdos sweet cheeks. Calm down." The throbbing was subsisting slowing allowing me to realize who my attacker was. Stupid Bradley, but wait he was talking to Georgia. So that would mean that's who the delicate hands that were stroking my hair belonged to.

Patricia's POV

I couldn't believe brad would even do that in the middle of the hallway.

"What the hell you asshole?!" I screamed in his face. Poor Marcel was nearly unconscious. He released a moan that was barley audible. He tried to get up but I grabbed him and eased him back down.

"What's it to you freak?" Brad sneered at me. I was surprised to find it hurt, I mean it always hurts. But this time it really hurt. I didn't know why, but it did. Usually when I'm upset I hold it in and cry later. But today I was pissed that this asshole was able to make want to cry, so I just hissed at him

"What's wrong with you animals?" I looked up to find Georgia Rose kneeling down to Marcel. I was relieved at first that someone actually cared. Then out of nowhere she slapped my hand away from Marcel. I held them to my chest in shock. I looked around to find no one even noticed me.

"Not you too Georgia," said James. Just another one of Bradley's goons.

"We were only having a bit of fun with these weirdos sweet cheeks. Calm down." She looked at him with disgust.

"How could you hurt this poor defenseless boy. What did he ever do to you?" He looked shocked at first, but then just smirked. And with a snarl he said, "Exist, that's what he did."

Georgia yelled at him with a few choice words, I was just to shocked to remember.

Marcel's POV

Was Georgia rose defending him? No way. After she screamed profanity in his face he just walked off looking pissed off.

"You ok sweet pea?" She asked me quirky as people started to walk to class.

"I- I'm fine I think." I tried to stand up again and I felt a deep wooziness set tall over me. I almost fell over taking Georgia with me. When I felt the firm hands of the girl before grabbed me again. I look over to find Patricia scowling at Georgia. What's her problem, she stood up for me.

"Marcel you need to go to the nurse buddy," said Patricia. Directing her full attention towards me.

"I think I have it from here," hissed Georgia to Patricia.

"I can see that," she says letting me go. Allowing Georgia to fail at holding me up before grabbing me again."

They lead me to the nurses office where we discovered I had a concussion.

"Georgia, you can go back to class now," Patricia said sweetly. "I've got this covered." She smirked at Georgia menacingly.

"How about we do what Marcel wants. Do you want me or her to stay." She said 'her' like it was something distasteful in her mouth.

I looked up at the girl if my dreams. Who out of know where was paying attention to me. And a friend I've known forever. She would understand wouldn't she?

"I- I would like Georgia to stay."

Patricia just looked at me with so much hurt in her eyes. What did I do to cause that pain?

"Sorry, but it looks like I will be the one stating," she told Patricia with a smile so sickly sweet it was scary. "So run along to class now." She waved her out the door before shutting it.

"Looks like we're finally alone."

Patricia's POV

First Brad was cruel, now Marcel kicked me out? Why Marcel, why? I ran down the hall and into the girls bathroom. The tears running down my face like a never ending stream. I just couldn't take it anymore. And to think I used have a crush on Brad. He was as bad as Georgia.

At the thought of her name a void of anger welled up inside me, so strong I punched the stall wall. Leaving a thin crack behind. Blood trickled down my knuckles as I punched it repeatedly. The tears blurring my vision. When I was finished, the wall was full if cracks.

I walked to my class, using the sleeve of my jacket to hide my bloody knuckles. I whipped away the last of my tears when I ran into a strong build. Knocking me to the ground. My books scatter across the van can't hall. I scramble to retrieve them. Whoever it was started helping me. I reached for the last book just as he did. Revealing my mutilated hand.

"Oh my God! What happened?!" He asked me grabbing my hand to examine the wounds.

"It's nothing," I said back with a raspy voice. I look up and gasp. His piercing blue eyes looking deeply into mine.

"You're lying," smirked non other than the school bad boy himself. Louis Tomlinson.


(Y/N) The next thing I post won't be a chapter it will be a character description. Because I can't seem to find a away to squeeze it in the story. I hope you liked this chapter. Please check out my other story's.

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