Chapter 5

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~ Two Days Later ~

Patricia's POV

I'm sitting at our usual spot at the lunch table. I slipped him a note in biology. He appeared to have read it, so hopefully he would show up. But lately he's been acting weird and changing his clothes.

I look up to find there was only ten minutes left of lunch. Oh well, I guess he wasn't coming. I let out an exasperated sigh and started to clean up my area, so I could dump my tray and leave. I promised to meet Louis after lunch on our way to art.

As I'm getting I up I see him awkwardly walking over to me. A smile speeds across my face, and I'm filled with pure joy. I noticed he had changed. He was wearing skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. His hair wasn't slicked back like usual. He's been dressing different sense Georgia the 'angle' started talking to him.

"Um, hey Patricia," he said glancing back and forth. It seemed like he was scared someone see us talking together. To test this theory I took a step towards him. He took two steps back.

"Hi Marcel."

He gestures for us to sit down.

Marcel's POV

I could see the hurt in her eyes and it almost kills me. We have been friends sense that first day in 8th grade English class.

Everyone was suppose to pick a partner and we both just sat there. I guess we were just unsure of where to go. We looked across the class room and our eyes meet. I offered an innocent smile with a question on my lips. And she just grinned and shock her head yes. We both got up to walk over to each other. And sadly I was tripped. My glasses skidding across the carpet. She ran over to pick them up and some kid stepped on her hand. I remover how she just punched them in the back of the knee sending them to the ground. She got up and walked over to me. And I knew at that moment we would be best friends.

Her please my voice brought me back to the present. She sounded so broken, at that moment I noticed the bandages on her hand.

"Patricia, what happened?!" I momentarily forgot Georgia told me I couldn't be her friend anymore, and grabbed her hands tenderly. She just smiled at me gingerly.

"Never mind that, back to what I was saying. How have you been, and why haven't I seen you in a while?" She asked concerned. Finally remembering I pulled my hands away and leaned back in my chair.

"Because I realized how boring you are," I said just like Georgia told me to. She said if I did all this she would be my girlfriend and go to prom with me.

"Marcel? What's going on?" She looked shocked and hurt all at the same time. She started fiddling with the bandages. Why did she have those any way.

"What do you mean? I just told you, I don't like you anymore." A signal year rolled down her cheek. "Patricia-" I started but was cut off.

"It's her isn't it? She's making you say these things," she said putting two and two together. "Why do you even like that bitch." I flinched at the acid tone in her voice. It was almost like daggers that she wanted to slice through someone with. Was it meant for me or Georgia I wasn't sure.

"Patricia, I'm sorry I don't know what's happening to me." I hunched over and started to sob softly. It just sort of came out. All the stress and confusion cutting me at the core of my being.

Patricia's POV

All the angry and pain shattered the moment he started to cry. I just couldn't be upset with him anymore. He didn't see what she was doing to her. It was breaking him to the point of no return. I got up and moved to the side of the table he had been sitting at. I raised my hand slowly, unsure if I should place it where I so desperately wanted to. I decided in a split second, and placed it on the shoulder opposite me. He just melted into me, he put his head on my shoulder and cried.

"It's okay, let it all out," I cooed. I stroked his hair softly. By now there was no one in the lunch room. Saving us the embarrassment. His tears soaked my through my lavender jacket and through my soft blue shirt. When he was finally done his eyes were red and puffy.

"Now take a deep breath, and tell me," I was nervous to say the next part. "Why do you like her?" He sat there taking deep breaths for what felt like hours. When he finally spoke.

"I like her because she's real."

"What do you mean?" She was real? Well so was I and so was Louis. We were all real, duh.

"I mean unlike some people she's not fake, she is herself and refuses to be molded by the world." I chuckled to myself.

"Do you like me? Marcel do you like me for me?" The moment of truth, the whole reason for this meeting.

"Of course I like you Patricia," he likes me. And in filled with the purest of joy. I love him, and I've known it sense 8th grade. "You know I like you, we're best friends. And always will be." Wait what? My dreams shattered before my eyes. That's it, that's how he will always see me. As his friend.

Marcel's POV

She started to cry and I didn't know what I had done. Before I did know, I was being an ass and I knew it. But what did I do now.

"Patricia what's wrong?" I asked terrified. She released a cackle, a horrible sound to escape her lips.

"What's wrong?! Nothing, nothing at all. You just gave the wrong answer." She got up and walked out, and I was afraid she would be forever.


(Y/N) Hi and how's it going please tell me what you think. If you see any typos. Please vote and comment. Have a great day bye :)

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