Chapter Six

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**Listen to "Moments" by 1D....Yeah sorry these only get more depressing from here....Then there's "Home" by Daughtry and 1D's cover of "Torn" from X-Factor 2010**

Louis’s Point of View

I felt Liam guiding me to safety, since my vision kept blurring from blood loss. The Gamemakers had created an earthquake to divide up the players, and they had succeeded. I heard our pursuer behind us, but I knew she wasn’t an enemy. It was Liam’s counterpart, Alicia, from District 4. I saw her brown hair darting through the forest, and I knew she had been watching us. She came to my right side as I stumbled, and she helped lead me to our camp. I didn’t like being a burden; we had planned an ambush on the Careers early this morning, but it obviously didn’t go as planned. Zayn wasn’t supposed to be with the Careers, and he wasn’t supposed to be awake during the attack. The girl, Crystal, had fallen asleep on guard-duty and I had slit her throat quietly before I moved to do the same with Thread, when Zayn stirred awake.

He saw the bloody knife, and shook his head frantically as he held my eyes, fear and desperation in them. He glanced at something behind me before he yelled,“RUN!” before the sword cut my arm. The others woke up and we took Niall with us, because we knew if we didn’t he would be killed for sure. My arm throbbed as a reminder and I tripped over a log, seeing the wire a second too late. I pushed Harry, who was in front of me, out of the way as I saw the silver gleam in the dying sunlight, and it would have killed him for sure. It hit my stomach, and the pain sent agony racing through my senses as I fell to my knees and doubled over, coughing up blood.

“Louis!” Harry cries, his hands shaking as he sees the blood splatter on the ground. Liam and Alicia gently set me on the ground on my back, my body slowly losing warmth.

“Go. The smaller alliance is tracking us,” I whisper, and I see the pain and sadness in their eyes.

“No, Lou. We won’t leave you,” Harry insists, tightly clutching my hands.

“Haz, go find Heather. Go,” I ordered, squeezing his hands, pleading with my eyes.

“Louis, I can’t! Family never gets left behind,” Liam begged to stay, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. “You’re my brother!”

“Liam, Alicia-Go now. Say what needs to be said,” I plead, and Alicia sobs into my hand as I wipe a tear away. She kisses my forehead before Liam hugs me gently, and they run off. Harry refused to budge, but I knew what would convince him to leave.

“Hands are silent, voices numb. Try to scream out my lungs, makes this harder…” I sing, trailing off as I begin to cough. Harry lets the tears fall, and he lets out a heart wrenching wail as my breathing begins to become short and ragged.

“And the tears stream down my face,” he finishes, utterly broken as I meet his eyes.

“If we could only have this life for one more day, if we could only turn back time,” I whisper softly, a smile tugging at my lips. He lowered his head onto my chest and sobbed as, and I weakly brushed a curl away from his face.

“Go, Haz. Live your life for me. Find Heather, and tell her,” I get out, and he raises his head with a whimper. He tiredly nods, and as my eyes close, the last thing I see are his emerald green eyes before I fall into the darkness. I smile as I feel his lips on my forehead, then I don’t feel anything at all.

Liam’s Point of View

I heard the cannon fire, and the heart-breaking wail that followed after, when my eyes finally let the tears stream down my face. My best friend, my brother, was gone forever. I choked out a sob and led Alicia into a cave as the ground finally stopped shaking, finally able to rest after the past ten minutes of running and dodging trees and debris. I know Harry would go searching for Heather, who would be with that dark haired girl, Lauren, from District 12. I wiped away my tears and pulled out the sword I had taken from the Careers’camp, telling myself that I had to be strong for Alicia.

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