Chapter Nine

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Lauren’s Point of View

I swallow back another round of tears before I go to the wood to create a fire. Organizing the pile, I strike a match from Niall’s pack and toss it onto the stack, the smoke rising. I roll the boulder a few inches over to where we won’t suffocate and go back to the fire, feeding the flame with dry leaves as it grows. I cook the rabbit thoroughly, Niall’s eyes watching me with every step, until I hand him a large hunk of the cooked meat on a stick, his eyes widening.

“Go on, eat it. It’s not raw,” I say, and he takes a mouthful before chewing and swallowing. He nods and eats another large bite, a shy smile on his face when I begin to eat my own meal. We eat in silence before the blasting Capitol music jolts us into action, walking over to the entrance and looking up into the night sky. First up, both tributes from District 3, which isn’t much of a surprise, but the next casualty draws a sharp breath from Niall, and I know it’s Liam from the tears in Niall’s eyes. Those were the only deaths for the day, and the sky goes dark before the temperature begins to drop.

“Are you finished eating?” I ask, and Niall nods, finishing the squirrel I let him cook, as I scrape dirt over the logs and using my water container to put out the flames before I check Niall’s cut. The embers provide plenty of heat and light as I wait for Niall to get up, and I glance away when he pulls his jacket and shirt to let me check over his wound. I gently lift the bandage and sigh with relief when I see the scab forming over the cut, a good sign of healing. I go to pull my hand away when Niall gently takes my hand and holds it against his chest, his eyes meeting and holding mine.

My pulse quickens when he smiles softly at me and closes the gap between us, his lips pressing onto mine as he gently pulls me close to him, his warmth comforting. He pulls away and I open my eyes to meet his smoldering blue eyes flashing in the firelight. He hesitates for a moment, and then he sighs.
“Lauren, where did we lose touch? When did we lose our connection?”

I tense in his arms. “Well, I never knew we had a connection until the start of these Games,” I snap, and hurt fills his eyes. “I thought that night, last year, at the dance…I thought we had something until you ran off and I found you with your tongue down another girl’s throat and your hands all over her!”

Niall frowns and shakes his head. “Lauren, I was kissed by her, not the other way around. I do regret touching her like that, and having a few drinks before that…I should’ve chased after you and said ‘I’m sorry’, but I didn’t,” he replies, an honest smile tugging at his lips. “For every step you took running away, it was a regret. I’m so sorry, Lauren.”

Tears fill my eyes, and I smile softly back at him. “I wanted you to come after me so badly, I cried myself to sleep that night. I was so bitter the next weeks because I thought…” I trail off, avoiding his eyes.

He tilts my chin up, meeting my eyes. “You thought what, dear?” he asks gently, and I know he sees the hurt in my eyes.

“That I could ever be loved by someone like you,” I get out, dropping my gaze. “That I was a fool to ever fall in love with a pop-star who would never return the affection and leave me for some high-class actress or model…”

He shakes his head, smiling softly at me. “No, you aren’t a fool. I was, though, for letting you go that night. And haven’t you heard? I don’t like models-I like the flaws in people.”

I keep my eyes away from his face as I say, “Well, there’s plenty in me, so you might as well find another girl better than this.” I go to pull out of his grasp when he pulls me into a close hug, burying my head into his shoulder.

“No.”That’s all he says before he tilts my chin up and leans close, pressing his lips against mine. He tightens his grip on me, and I open my mouth, relaxing as he deepens the kiss. “I missed you so much…,” he whispers against my lips, moving his to my neck and he kisses there softly. I gasp as he gently begins to bite my neck, closing my eyes as he bites my lip before kissing me deeply. He lays my hands on his bare shoulders before he puts his hands on my hips to remove any space between us.

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