Chapter 9

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My back was pressed to the wall, his body against mine. He kissed me quickly, moving his hands up my thighs, sliding my dress up over my ass. I laced my fingers behind his neck, moaning into his mouth as we made out. My lips parted just enough for him to slide his tongue inside. Nick's fingers found their way beneath the thin elastic band of my panties and tugged them down a few inches. I pulled him closer, biting his bottom lip.

"You're driving me crazy," he moaned.

Wetness instantly pooled between my legs at his words.

He broke the kiss and grabbed my hand, dragging me with him toward his dining room. He backed me up against the dark cherry dining table with a smirk and his hands found that same spot on my hips underneath my dress as his lips began a trail of kisses over my cheek and jawline, down to my neck, sucking softly and nibbling on my earlobe. He kissed my collarbone, my shoulder, and the top of my chest, briefly pausing like he was asking permission to take it further. When I didn't protest, Nick took that as the okay to proceed.

He glanced down between our bodies, contemplating his next move before sinking to his knees as he dragged my panties down my legs. I stepped out of them, kicking them aside and Nick slid my dress up to my stomach, exposing my lower half. He placed a kiss on my stomach, followed by another on my hipbone.

I moaned as he spread my legs further apart, placing sloppy wet kisses on my inner thighs. I counted seven altogether before he stopped, looking up at me through those gorgeous messy bangs again, checking that it was alright to keep going. I nodded, needing him so badly. My breathing grew uneven as he kissed my thighs twice more and then finally licked a long, slow line over my slit, drawing a deep, begging moan from my lips.

His hands stayed on my thighs, thumbs massaging my skin in circles while he looked up at me lustfully. The tip of his tongue slowly swirled around my clit, occasionally flicking over it. His hot breath on my skin made me shiver. He continued to suck and nibble on my clit, sending jolts of pleasure through my body when his teeth lightly grazed over it. I felt one of his hands leave my leg and I had to grip the table for support when I felt his finger probing my entrance.

"Oh god," I moaned.

I was panting, writhing with pleasure as Nick fingered me. The fact that he kept eye contact while his face was between my thighs made it all the more erotic.

He groaned in pleasure and the vibrations sent me into Wonderland. His finger continued to slide in and out of my pussy, making me wetter by the second until I almost couldn't take it anymore.

Right when I made it to the edge about to dive over, he stopped. I whimpered when I felt his hands and mouth leave my body. He suddenly stood up and kissed me deeply, passionately. I could taste myself on his lips and that turned me on even more.

"You taste amazing." Nick stroked my ego.

I stared into his gorgeous brown eyes, searching for one tiny reason why I shouldn't stay the night with this man. I couldn't find one.

Derek had never used his mouth on me the way Nick just had. No one had ever made me feel so exposed and protected and possessed all at once the way Nick just had. I yearned to feel that high again, to come at his mercy with his fingers, tongue, cock inside me. Again, and again, and again. I wanted him to do it again and I didn't want him to stop until I was spent.

"You can't imagine how badly I want you," Nick whispered in my ear, his breath teasing my neck. He pressed a simple soft kiss right below my ear.

"I want you, too," I breathed. I could feel the dampness between my legs increasing with each second that ticked by.

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