Chapter 15

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I sat up, peeking over the back of the couch to see down the hallway. Nick was nowhere in sight. I got up and walked to the bathroom, half asleep. I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes, frowning at my reflection in the mirror. The back of my hair was in one big wad. I groaned, grabbing my brush and trying to untangle it. I regretted not drying it and putting it into a proper bun after my shower. My hair tie was all tangled up in the strands.

When I finally fixed my bird's nest, I went to my room and changed clothes, putting on fresh white yoga pants and a red sports bra. It was supposed to be a nice sunny day in the sixties and that meant perfect workout weather. I rarely had time to go for a run anymore. I decided to take advantage of the weather and get some much needed exercise. I was ready to head out the door when I spotted a piece of white notebook paper lying on the counter.

"Carrie, last night was great. I'm gone to get us coffee and doughnuts that actually aren't stale this time. Be back soon. Love, Nick."

Love? I blushed at the signature.

"Nick, I'm out for a run. Back around 7." I slapped a sticky note below his and headed out for my run. I flipped to a playlist on my phone, putting in my earbuds and jogging down the driveway. My usual run was through three neighborhoods and halfway around the mile block but I decided to cut that in half, anxious to get back and see Nick.

I ran at a medium pace, focusing on the puffy white clouds overhead as I passed my neighbors' houses. As early as it was, there wasn't much activity in the neighborhood. I saw an elderly woman watering her flowerbed. A man walking across his driveway to pick up the newspaper waved at me. Behind me the sun was rising quickly, casting a shadow of my body on the pavement in front of me. I turned off the music, deciding I'd rather listen to the birds chirping for a change.

As I ran through the next neighborhood, I thought about what had happened the night before. I thought about my conversation with Nick and making food for him, laughing with him, and falling asleep on him. I loved hearing about his life and telling him about mine. I'd never really told anyone about my interest in fashion. I liked that Nick knew something about me that no one else did. I wanted to talk to him more about his family and his past and maybe even his future aspirations, if he didn't mind discussing them.

The more I thought about Nick, the more my feelings grew for him. It was beginning to worry me how much I was starting to like him. I realized I'd hadn't even thought of Derek while Nick and I had dinner and talked. He hadn't crossed my mind a single time. And I didn't feel guilty for falling asleep on Nick's lap. I should have, shouldn't I? I should've felt like shit for spending more time with Nick, and cooking him dinner, and sleeping next to him. I should've felt terrible about it. But I didn't.

I wrapped up my run with a gradually slowing jog back through my neighborhood. The sun was in full view at this point with a picturesque image of geese flying in a V shape off in the distance. I listened to the chorus of a few crickets still chirping, birds singing in the trees, and a couple dogs barking. When I turned the corner onto my street I noticed Nick's Audi parked beside my Honda in the driveway. I smiled at the sight of him trying to juggle two coffee cups and a big white box while attempting to close his car door with his ass.

"You know you could just set the box on top of the car until you shut the door," I said, jogging up to my driveway.

Nick obviously hadn't noticed me until I spoke up and jumped slightly at the sound of my voice. He turned to look at me, arms full. "Christ, woman," he raised his eyebrows, letting his eyes slowly trail down my body, taking in my appearance. "You really know how to startle a man."

I shook my head, giggling, and reaching toward where he'd been balancing the tray that the coffees were nestled in on his forearm. "Give me those."

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