Chapter 28

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I walked through the giant wooden doors of courtroom 116 carrying Regina Evans' case folder. I'd dawned a light grey pantsuit with black trim on the pockets and sleeves that I thought looked exquisitely professional. The room was filled with people who were here for the same reason Regina and I were. It was May twenty-second, just a few minutes before nine.

Yesterday Regina had come to my office to refresh our minds on her case and prepare for today's hearing. She'd been nervous about the possibility of Jared showing up and having to be in the same room with him. I assured her everything would be fine but she still begged the court clerk to bring another bailiff in just in case.

There were several attorneys present and I didn't recognize any of them except a man I'd graduated law school with. I couldn't remember his name. He appeared to be representing an older woman with short blonde hair and too much hot pink in her wardrobe. She reminded me of Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde. Regina kept nervously glancing around the room to see if Jared had shown up yet. As far as I could tell, he hadn't.

"All rise for the Honorable Judge Humphries," the bailiff said loudly, ceasing all conversation.

Everyone shut up immediately and stood in respect of Judge Humphries and her too-short new haircut entering the room. Her previously shoulder length brown hair now barely came passed her chin and it just didn't look right.

Judge Humphries took her seat with a loud flop. "You may be seated."

The sound of about thirty asses hitting our seats in unison echoed through the courtroom as the judge was handed all the paperwork for each plaintiff present.

"I'm going to call out names and if you're here, say present or here," she announced, flipping through the papers. "Miranda Vinson versus John Hayworth."

A short brunette in the row behind us held up her hand. "Here!"

"Hayworth?" the judge asked, scanning the room. "Is John Hayworth present?"

No one answered. Judge Humphries wrote something on the paper she was holding.

"Miss Vinson, since Mr. Hayworth has failed to appear, I'm going to grant this protective order. It is good for five years. Ashley in the back will instruct you as to what to do next," Judge Humphries said, scribbling her signature and handing the paperwork to the clerk beside her.

"Michael Favre versus Timothy Hammond."

"Present, Your Honor," a tall man in a bright purple t-shirt called from the back row. "I'm Michael."

"Timothy Hammond," the judge called again, waiting for another man to speak but no one did. "Alright then. Same thing as Miss Vinson, Mr. Favre. I'm granting this and it will be good for five years. Go talk to Ashley behind you."

I was anxiously waiting for her to call Regina's name. I hated waiting, especially when there were so many other people in the courtroom. It was exasperating if you weren't one of the first people called and had to sit there and wait on all these other plaintiffs, listening to about half of them argue with defendants. I wasn't interested in hearing everyone else's problems. I wanted to get in and get out with a granted protective order and no hassles.

"Regina Evans versus Jared Kraft," Judge Humphries said.

"Here," Regina answered, giving an awkward wave.

"Is Jared Kraft present?"

I crossed my fingers that Jared hadn't shown up when I wasn't looking. I wasn't in the mood to put up with his argument and I knew Regina was at her wits end. She was terrified of the guy and I didn't want her to have to face him either.

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