Chapter 26

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"Are you sure you want to proceed with this lawsuit?" Monica asked Mrs. Konst who sat across from us at the long mahogany meeting table at our firm.

Mrs. Konst glared at us through thick, red framed glasses. "Why wouldn't I?" she barked with an icy tone.

"What you will owe us in legal fees is going to greatly exceed what you can reasonably sue Triton Industries for," I explained, glancing over the paperwork in front of me so I didn't have to face her death glare. "It's not worth it."

"Carrie's right," Monica agreed. "There's also no guarantee you'll win if you do decide to proceed. If you lose, you'll be responsible for the defense's attorney fees on top of ours, and if you win, our fees will drain your winnings. Either way, you'll have wasted a lot of money. You have nothing to gain from this."

"What about five hundred thousand?" Mrs. Konst asked, upping the amount she planned to sue her former employers for from thirty thousand.

"That's a big jump." I scribbled down the number on my notepad.

"That'll cover the fees, won't it?" she raised a sharp eyebrow, staring holes through the notepad.

"Maybe not quite that much," Monica grimaced. "You want it to be reasonable. Is it reasonable for Triton to settle for five hundred grand? Most likely not. You can certainly try it. If that's what you want to do, we'll put in the paperwork, but you have to understand it's a long shot with that amount."

"I will not be put off as unreasonable. My assistant will be in touch!" Mrs. Konst snapped, jumping up from her seat, quickly gathering her papers and leaving the board room with a dramatic slam of the door.

"I think she was a little more cheerful than usual," Monica said sarcastically.

I slumped back in my seat and groaned. It was midway through the afternoon and I was definitely experiencing that two-thirty feeling.

"She's a real peach," I rolled my eyes, neatly placing all my papers and the notepad inside a brown folder marked Konst. "I can't wait for this bullshit to be finished. If I never hear her name again it will be too soon."

Monica nodded, following me out of the room. Reaching my office, I slid the folder into the drawer in the filing cabinet marked K-M and sat down at my desk to see what the rest of my schedule looked like.

"How are things with you and Dream Boy?" Monica grinned, wiggling her eyebrows as she sat down in one of the chairs across from me.

After my confession of feelings this morning, we'd ended up having the best morning sex I'd ever experienced. Unfortunately, the work day crashed our party and we had to postpone the rest of the conversation - and physical activities - until after the workday ended.

Nick had left for work while I was in the shower, leaving me a note saying he'd be back once he got finished at the office.

"This morning I told him I wanted to try a relationship," I admitted, watching Monica's grin widen.

"Oh my god! What did he say?" She excitedly bounced in the chair.

"Well, we ended up having sex so I didn't really get an answer. He kissed me and it went from there. But he said he'd be back tonight after work so I guess we'll talk about everything then."

"Do you think he feels the same way?" She looked more serious now. "I know you really like Nick, but make sure you're not rebounding with him. You've only been single for a day. Don't you think it's a little soon?"

"I do," I nodded. I knew she was right. "I guess I figured Derek wouldn't be hard to get over since I hate his guts now. I don't really have anything to miss with him so it's easier for me to focus on someone new."

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