Chapter 25

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Nick and I sat on my back patio sipping wine and watching the sun go down. It was peaceful. I had changed into some fleece pajamas and thrown my hair into a messy bun. Neither of us had bothered to clean up the mess I'd left in the driveway, and to my surprise, the trash men actually picked it up. I was relieved to have gotten rid of Derek's junk. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I looked forward to the day he would ask if he could come by and pick up his things. I imagined the priceless look that would be on his face when I told him what I'd done. 

"I was in Derek's office today before you came by," Nick said, setting his glass on the wrought iron table between us. "He's stupid enough not to have a password on his computer."

I nodded, remembering when I looked through his laptop.

"I found the list of transactions," he looked at me, adjusting his position in the chair.

"It's the same as what you have in the FBI file right?" I asked.

The file had a list of money transfers like the ones I'd seen on Derek's computer, except they appeared to be the banks' transaction logs, rather than the customer's.

"Yeah, but I had to get ahold of his computer to see what else he's been up to. There's more to the story than just embezzlement."

"Like what?"

"Did you know his dad is planning to retire in June and give Derek full rein over the firm?" He looked disappointed. " He has no idea what his son's been doing to the firm."

I was surprised. Mr. Hampton had never mentioned anything about retiring. Everyone thought he planned to work until he died. I couldn't imagine him not being at Hampton, Burns and Hampton anymore. It just didn't sound right.

He was a good man and he didn't deserve what Derek was doing to him and the firm. I wondered how he was going to take it when he found out.

"I had no idea," I said, reaching for my wine glass. "Does Derek know?"

"Obviously, based on his email threads," Nick answered. "He's been talking to hotshot attorneys at other firms about how to kick Hampton, Burns and Hampton to the curb in an acquisition. He's already trying to persuade the partners to go along with his ideas. He's making them think they're all going to get something amazing out of it. Derek wants to sell off the Hampton name for millions in a get-rich-quick scheme. He's also got a job lined up in Venice."

"What?" I choked on my drink, spitting some wine back into the glass. "He's going to destroy the firm and just leave?"

Nick nodded. "Looks like he intends to move to Italy with Christine. He's been emailing a banker in Venice about investing the stolen money with him. He mentions how his fiancé, Christine, and he are so excited to start their new lives in Italy."

Once again, Christine had managed to amaze me. I was shocked enough already by the way she'd gone ahead and had a secret relationship with Derek when she knew we were together, but the idea that they'd already gotten engaged and were going to move to Italy together astounded me. How could someone be so shitty?

"That bitch!" I shrieked.

"I know. I know," Nick said. "But that's not all of it."

I rolled my eyes with an overdramatic groan. "There's more?"

He nodded. "I also found out that Derek's been getting triple the salary paychecks. He's getting paid off by a couple other firms who want inside information on Hampton, Burns and Hampton, and why they're so successful. He's selling them information on how to outdo the firm, more or less."

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