Vacation: Cards Against Humanity

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  Once I arrived at the casino, I immediately spotted my friends. Each one had the same expression on their face; pure joy. Shaking my head with a smile on my face, I walked over to my little family.

 From the corner of my eye, I spotted a suspicious group of people split up and slowly head our way. Out of instinct I grabbed onto the person closest to me, which happened to be none other than our beloved Salamander. 

 "Lucy? Why are you holding onto me?" Natsu says whilst giving me a look of confusion.

 "Oh, sorry.. Natsu. Just excited is all." I try to smile in an attempt to cover my worry. It was probably nothing anyways.

 Looking back in the direction where that group was, I saw that no one was there. Doing a full sweep of the room,  I still couldn't see them.

 "Looking for someone," a deep voice said behind me.

 I looked back towards Natsu only to find him gone. Great.

 Taking a deep breath, I turn towards the man behind me giving him a bored look before answering him. "What the hell do you want with us."

 "My dear, its not what I want. It's what the boss wants." Giving me a devilish smirk, he reached out towards me. Except, in the palm of his hand there was a black sphere made of pure magic. I watched, frozen, as his hand slowly made its way towards me. When it made contact with my body, I only had one thing in my mind.

 "What the hell?"


Jesus, this bed sucks. You would think that a hotel with its own casino and amusement park, that the beds would be better.

"Oi, girly!"

With a jolt I sit up, well attempt seeing that I'm tied up in some weird orange rope. Looking around i see Natsu in the ball pit knocked out, and Gray passed out on the floor, but no sign of Erza. 

  With that thought i start to panic. In the midst of my thoughts i felt a little prick in my thigh. 

  "What in the world?!"

  "Lady! Down here! Get us out of here!"

  Looking down I saw a bunch of cards spread out over the ground, but what caught my attention was what was on the cards, or rather what was in the cards.

  "What in the world?! How'd you all get in there?!" I ask, shocked at what I was seeing. 

  "It was that weird kid with the spiky hair! He's the one who did it!" As I looked at the man in the card, I saw he was holding something sharp. Focusing on the object i saw it was a knife! Sweet! As soon as I thought that the rope binding my hands and feet together suddenly tightened, causing me to arch my back.

   "Jesus! Hey, you! I'm gonna lean over you, when i do start cutting at this rope on me!"

  "But I'm trapped in a card! how do you expect me to cut your rope?!" 

  I gave him a confused expression before answering him.

  "Your the one who poked me right? if you can poke me then I'm pretty sure you can cut this rope off." After i said that the rope tightened again, making it look like i was doing the bridge. I swear whoever did this is one cruel bastard! I am so NOT flexible!

  "Right! got it," with that the man started cutting at the rope on my wrist. Once those were off i moved so he could get at the ones around my feet. About two minutes later the ropes were off and i could relax for a second. Taking a deep breath i stood up and looked around again. 


  I turned my head so quick, i swear i heard a crack! looking towards where the sound came from, i saw Natsu waking up. Damn him for scaring me. Walking towards him i hit him in the head, knocking him deeper in the weird ball machine he was in.

  "Have a nice nap?"

  "Lucy! What happened?! Where's that weird block guy?!" Weird block guy? is he on something?

  "Natsu what are you saying? What weird block guy? Ugh, that doesn't even matter right now! Erzas missing, and gray over there passed out on the floor! at least i think he's sleeping."

  Looking back at where Grays body was i saw it start to melt and turn into water, but here's the crazy part; the water took the form of a body. 

  "Juvia will never let Gray-sama get hurt."

  Oh you've got to be kidding me.

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