Fairy Tails Strongest Celestial mage

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I was sitting on my bed with happy munching on a fish and plue doing his weird dance. I was worried about loke. He's been acting strange lately, always out of breath, always weak, and he hasn't been flirting with girls lately. Not to mention i haven't seen him since the spa trip, not that i wanted to. His little joke went to far, saying that he was dying then laughing about it. But i still worry about him.

"LUCY!!" Gray burst into my room.

"Gray?" I say confused as to why he's  shouting.


'WHAT?!' i screamed in my head.

Then i thought of what Crux told me earlier, about Loke and his contract with Karen Lilica. I had a bit of an idea as to where he was.

"Gray get Natsu and Erza and follow me. I might know where he is, but only those two and you can come." i say rushing out the door of my apartment and down the streets. He's at her grave, i know it. Pretty soon i heard other footsteps fall in with mine. Looking behind me I see Gray got who i wanted, good.

"Follow me!" I yell taking off in a full-out sprint.



Once we made it to the grave site i told everyone to stay hidden, but could still see me.

i walked out of the clearing onto a ledge that had Karen's grave stone on it, Loke was standing in front of it.

"Loke," i say snapping him out of his trance. "or should i say Leo?"

"So you figured it out."

"yes. I thought Karen was just a bad ex, but shes your old master."

"yes, she was."

"Why are you still in this world? Why aren't you back in the spirit world?" i ask stepping up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I cant."


"i killed karen" he told me finally meeting my eyes.

-Timeskip- (im not gonna tell what happened to karen. if you watch it you'll know)

After Loke told me what happened i was furious with Karen. How could she treat her spirits like that?! they have feelings too!

" So now im going to repent for my sin, by disapearing in front of my grave." he tells me with a smile. "nngh" he falls to the ground and i'm right by him, holding him up by his shoulders.

"Loke, you cant just disappear on your nakama! What will we do without you?!"

"i'm sorry lucy, tell everyone... ill miss them...and.. to live on..happily.."

"loke you cant leave fairy tail! You cant hurt them like that!" i say shaking him.

" im sure.. they'll get.. over it... im glad.. i got to meet... a great celestial mage.. as yourself.. before i.. leave.."

"NO!" i say slamming my fist on the ground.

"I will return you to the spirit world! That will help! You wont disappear if you go back!"

"You cant, its impossible.. i've been banned from ever returning."

"Then i will force open the gate!" i released my power, a yellow force encircling me and loke.

"OPEN! GATE OF THE LION! LEO!" Nothing happened and he was still here, but thats not gonna stop me!


"LUCY! You cant use that much power! you'll disappear with me!"

"LUCY!" i heard everyone scream.


Suddenly there was a force that pushed us apart, but just barely. There was a siren that went off and the stars started moving in a circle, and the waterfall started flowing upwards. when the water cleared there was a huge man standing with his arms crossed. He wore a starry armor with a cape attached.

"Leo the Lion. You have been forbidden to return to the spirit world for the crime of killing your former contractor. That is the law and it will not be changed."

"Loke didn't do anything wrong!! He was protecting his comrade! LISTEN UP MUSTAHCE MAN!" i yelled at him. i could hear everyone behind me gulp and i think natsu smothered a chuckle.

"Lucy?! Thats the celestial king! You cant talk to him like that!" Loke said pulling on my arm trying and failing to get me to back down.

"Mustache man?"

"Loke did what he had to do to protect Aries! It was Karens choice to risk her life on a job! NOT LOKE'S!! SO I WILL SEND LOKE BACK!!!"

I unleash my magic again but this time its a full strength.

"Lucy.. Please, just let me pay for my sin!"


"JUST LET ME DIE!!" Loke yells with tears falling down his face.


Third Persons POV

There was a bright blinding light that left everyone covering there eyes, except the celestial king. when the light subsided Lucy was standing there surrounded by all her spirits.

"woah" Natsu said amazed.

"Amazing" Gray whispered

"The strongest celestial mage by far." Erza says with a smile

Back to lucys POV

"Loke, look around. These are the people that will hurt the most when you leave. Sure not all of them are here, but all of them are looking for you, worried for you. They will be the ones suffering once you leave!" once i finished saying that, the spirits portals closed and i collapsed. Too much power was used i guess.

"my friends came out too show you that not only fairy tail will miss you." i say as Loke held me by my shoulders.


"hmmm" this came from the celestial king.

"Leo the lion. it seems that you did what you did to protect one of your own. If that is the case, maybe the law is the problem."

That brought a smile to my face and everyone else's, but Loke looked confused.

"Leo the Lion, Leader of the Zodiacs, i hereby overrule your sentence and allow you back into the spirit world."

"Nice going mustache man!!" i say with a thumbs up.

"please wait.. i feel like i should still work off my sin.." Loke said with his head down

"if you still feel you need to relieve your sin, then i order you to serve this girl for the rest of her life." said the king as he started to disappear.

i stood up at the same time the water fell back into its original flowing form. Facing Loke we clasped hands and Bid our farewells as Loke went to the spirit world after three long years.

"Thank Goodness" i say. my vision is starting to blur and i start to fall. I guess i used more magic then i thought.

Before i hit the ground, strong arms grabbed me and pulled me against a muscled chest. I looked up, and saw Natsu giving me a smile.

"Remind me... not to summon more than.. two spirits."

After that, there was darkness.

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