Chapter 14

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After I sang, I was waiting to see if the judges said if I was in or not.

“Yes” Louis(the judge) said

“Yes” Trisha said

“I think im gonna say………”



“I think im gonna say…” Simon started saying “Yes” I jumped so high, if you saw me you would probably think I was on steroids. Im so happy, I cant even describe it. “You are moving on to Bootcamp, congratulations!”

“Thank you!” Was all I could say, I cant even talk. I walked off stage to go see the boys. When I got to them the started to get in a big group bear hug. “Guys, Cant…….. Breath.” After I said that they let go.

“Sorry Devany, we are just so excited!” Niall said

“Thanks guys”

“Well done babe, you did great!” Louis said while giving be a peck on the lips.

“Aww thanks babe” I said back while giving him a kiss on the check.

“Oh cmon I don’t get a kiss on the lips!” Louis said while whining

“ugg” I gave him a quick peck on the lips “Happy now?”

“Yes yes I am”

“Can I have a kiss on the lips?” Harry asked with a smirk on his face

“In your dreams Styles.” I said while sticking my tongue out at him

We headed out of the building and headed to the car. We went to Mcdonalds because Niall was hungry, like always. I swear I don’t know where all that food goes that he eats. He never gets fat! Which is a good thing. We pulled into the parking lot and went inside and order and sat at the booth and ate our yummy food, yes im starving like Niall. I got a Big Mac with a large Coke. After we ate all of our food, the boys dropped me off at my flat, they had to go to a radio interview.

“Bye babe, I will come over after we are done, I promise” Louis said

“Ok, Love you, bye” I said back to him

“Love you too” He said and also gave me a kiss on the lips. After that he went to the car and the boys left after he got in. However, myself I went in my flat and sat on my couch and my phone went off. Someone was calling me and It was Ally.

(A= Ally D= Devany)

A: Hey Devany

D: Hey Ally, whats up?

A: I left Alaska and I took a flight to London and im at the airport, can you please come and get me?

D: Ally why didn’t you tell me you were coming back and yeah im will come and get you.

A: Surprise?

D: Lol whatever, ill be on my way.

A: Ok and don’t bring any of the boys, I want to surprise Harry.

D: Don’t worry they had to go to a radio interview.

A: Great! See you soon!

D: See you soon, bye.

A: Bye.

After that she hung up. I grabbed my keys, phone, and purse and headed out and went straight to the airport. Its takes me about 45 minutes to get there. I turned the radio on and Come And Get It by Selena Gomez started playing and I started to sing along.

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