-Thanks To You-

39 5 2

August 29th, 2015

You saw my frown

you knew I was bleeding out on the ground.

You ignored the fact that I wasn't okay

you didn't care so you just walked away.

I asked for your help...

but you left me here.

Making me feel like nobody would care

so i went through the days keeping to myself.

Only growing weaker

and feeling like my life was Hell.

But then I realized I didn't need you

I don't need anyone anymore.

I finally picked myself up off the floor,

and now I'm stronger than I've ever been before.

So when someone asks me about you

I'll say that you're a great friend

and you'll be there till the end

Even though you weren't for me.

You know I could ruin your life

by telling everyone what you did to me.

How you threw away the key

and didn't care if I was set fee.

How you watched the happiness leave my eyes

then left, leaving me to look at dark skies.

But I won't do that.

No, instead I'll keep to myself

and pretend like you didn't do anything

when all you did was everything.

Because, in the end I realized I didn't need you

and you were never the one that was gonna get me through.

So the next time you make a new friend

make sure they now that you don't care about how they feel

Be sure they know that, with you, friendship isn't real.

Thank you for showing me that not everything is the way it seems

and that no matter what you think, it doesn't mean it's true

because you never really know if someone is actually going to be there.

I can't believe I actually thought you cared

but, thanks to you, now I know to always be aware.


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