I Wish

23 4 2

January 9th, 2016

I wish I could just walk away from you

and forget all the promises you said you'd keep.

Forget all the pain you've pulled me through

and just pretend you were just a dream.

I wish we had never met

so I wouldn't have to go through each day

wondering why you decided not to stay

and what I did to deserve all this pain.

I still can't believe that everything I thought about you was wrong

and, of all people, you were the one that me feel like I belonged.

Sometimes I wonder if you ever planned to stay as long as you did

sometimes I wonder why I can't get you out of mind

I wish I could just move on and accept the fact that you were just a waste of time.

I wanna go back, before all this began.

So I could tell myself not to let you in.

I was stupid back then...

But that was back then, so don't think I will allow you back around

because, unlike then, now I know that the only think you're going to do is bring me back down.


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