Suga Scenario~

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This another one from my tumblr! Edited it a bit so enjoy!


You are currently with Eric Nam doing an intro for the show After School Club. You're a co-mc along side Eric, and today the guests are BTS. You're a huge huge huge fan of BTS and everyone knew it. "Yeah that's right everyone BTS is in the house today" You said next to Eric. "Hey better watch out I hear we're in danger" Eric joked. "No but for real everyone give it up for BTS" He said as the boys made their way into the camera shot. Hello's, and Hi's were exchanged along with some handshakes and hugs.

Your bias is the one and only Suga, and of course since you are pretty close with Eric, he knew. You are also a rapper/singer, and your career took off really well, you're working on your first mini album and you just so happened to land a spot on ASC.

After the beginning of the show, you finally got to the part where the boys can talk to the fans via video chat. "Okay here is Jen from the Tucson, Arizona. Also my hometown by the way" You said smiling. "Jen what would you like to say to the boys?" you asked. Jen continued her little talk with the boys and after a while you piped In. "Okay Jen it's nice seeing you, before you go is there anything you would like to request or ask BTS" you asked. "Yes, I have a question for Suga" She said smirking. Suga smiled and motioned for her to continue "Who is your favorite female solo artist and why?" She asked. Suga smiled shyly after you translated for him. You noticed everyone around him smirking a bit. "y/n i-is my favorite" He said with his cute accent. Your cheeks flushed a deep red. "B-Because she's really talented and she extremely pretty" Suga said with a big smile plastered on his face. You turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Aww thank you" You replied smiling. "Isn't this a coincidence because Suga's y/n's bias" Eric said smirking. Your eyes widened and once again you flushed red. Lightly smacking Eric on the arm, you scolded Eric. "Alright Jen thank you for tuning in and have a wonderful day" you said changing the subject. Everyone said goodbye to the fan and it was on to the next thing. To sum it up, you were so embarrassed, especially when Eric decided to pip in.

After the show was finally over, Eric knew what was coming. The second that camera shot went off he went running. "Eric!" You yelled chasing after him. "Im sorry I had to, it was killing me" He yelled running behind the camera men. "I'm literally going to kill you" You yelled. "No you're not, you love me" Eric stopped smirking. You glared at him. "Oh come on at least you know he favorites you back" Eric said placing an arm around your shoulder. You hit him in the stomach smirking. "Yah! cut it out we have to go take the pictures with the guests" Eric said groaning.

Everyone gathered up and took a group photo, then singling out so each mc gets a picture with each member. Rapmonster walked up to you smiling placing an arm around you shoulder handing the photographer his phone so he could take a picture with it also, you followed doing the same. The processes is, you do a couple of poses, the photographer takes em with his camera, then more from the phones that are giving to him. "You Know," Rap monster said in between poses. "Suga has a huge crush on you" He continued. Switching your pose to you about to kiss his cheek, but you really couldn't because he's so tall and you're a bit shorter. "Really" You asked excitedly. Rapmonster bent down a bit so you could actually kiss his cheek. "Yep he talks about you all the time" Switching poses you hugged his waist and he hugged your shoulders. "You like him too don't you" He said smirking. "Maybe" You giggled. "Well you should be up for a surprise in the next few minutes" He smirked once more. "Wh-" You were cut off by the camera man shouting "Next" The next was Jungkook, Then V, Then Jimin, Then Jin, Then once it came to J-Hope you looked back to see Suga nervously waiting his turn. J-Hope wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped your around his neck for the first pose. "So I understand you like Suga" J-Hope said as you two switched poses. "Is it that obvious" I asked. "Yep" He said popping the 'p'. He placed his lips on your cheek and you ruffled his hair. "But don't worry, something goods about to happen" He smirked. "How many of you are going to tell me that. You all are making me nervous" You growled as you switched to the final pose. "Next" The camera man yelled out. Your face flushed a light pink when Suga appeared next to you. "Hi y/n" He said smiling. "H-Hi" You replied shyly. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and you wrapped yours around his waist. He kissed your forehead and you blushed. "So I was uh wondering if maybe-" He said inbetween the next pose which was you both standing with his arms around your shoulder and your still around his waist, smiling into the camera. "Maybe what?" You asked smirking moving into the next pose. "Maybe if after this you would like to hangout, like go get some food or something" He asked nervously. You Smirked wrapping your arms around his neck and placing your lips on his cheek, a little closer to his lips than they should have been. "Does that answer your question?" You giggled and he turned a shade of red. "Okay that's a wrap" the photographer called out "Wait!" Suga said. "One more picture on my phone" He begged. The Camera man smiled taking Suga's phone. Suga smirked. He then placed his leg behind yours and before you knew it you were about to fall but Suga placed an arm around your waist and one on your upper back. You wrapped yours around his neck and for what seemed like forever you were staring at each other. "When do you think they're gonna realize that the guy already took the pictures" Eric said to Rapmonster. Rapmonster laughed "They're gonna make a great couple"

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