Jealous Mark -Got7

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Old request from my tumblr! Edited a bit! Please Enjoy!!


You really weren't the type to this kind of thing, but two can play at this game. If it's a game Mark wants it's a game he shall get.
It's was him who started it anyways, your friend from home decided to visit, and Mark decided to accuse you of cheating because he refused to even ask who he was. You and Mark were secretly datting from the public but recently rumors going around that you, an up and coming makeup artist working for JYP, was marks secret girlfriend have been going around. Which caused numerous articles to be written about the two of you.
You had woken up early that morning, to surprise mark with your childhood friend that you've always talked about. You made your way to the airport, around 5 in the morning due to his extremely early flight. It was only about ten minutes before you saw him and his boyfriend, walking up to you with their bags and wide smiles upon their faces. You automatically ran to give Y/F/N a tight hug! "Oh my god I missed you so much! How was the flight? Are you guys hungry?" You bombarded him and his boyfriend with questions.
"I missed you two so much oh my god, here let's stop at ya'lls hotel room and then let's go get some breakfast?" You said linking arms between the two, pulling them towards your car. "Hey you know I think I'm gonna stay at the hotel and catch some sleep, and you two have a lot of catching up to do soo" his boyfriend said yawning. "Yea totally!"

You smiled starting the car.
After dropping off Y/F/N's boyfriend and their bags at the hotel, you and Y/F/N had stopped at a small cafe to eat some breakfast and talk, it ended up being 2 ½ hours before you two finally left the cafe. "Hey you wanna stop by my house real quick so you can meet mark?" You asked smiling widely. Y/F/N yawned before replying "Can I meet him tomorrow, I'm to tired to function properly" knowing your friends sleeping habits you quickly nodded your head and drove off to his hotel. "Call me when you wake up from your nap okay best friend?" You said waving to him. "I got chu!" He said before stepping inside.

You made your way home, to find a very upset Mark waiting for you in the living room with his arms across his chest. "Where were you?!" He questioned. "I was with my f-" he cut you off "who was he? You're cheating on me aren't you" he aid standing up getting even angrier, "you need to calm down and let me explain th-" he cut you off once more. "Explain? Explain?!? Yes please explain to me why my girlfriend left early in the morning with out telling me where she was going to run off with some guy." He held up his phone showing picture of you and your friend having breakfast together "why are you cheating on me. Huh?" He said yelling in your face.

"DID YOU EVEN THINK TO ASK ME BEFORE ACCUSING ME OF SUCH A THING MARK? Did you even look at the face in the picture to realize who it is? It Y/F/N Mark, you know my bestfriend from my childhood who I told you plenty of times was coming here sometime this week with his BOYFRIEND. Did you even think to call or text me and ask me what I was doing?!? No you sit here and accuse me of cheating on you?!?" You said angrily.
"Look baby I'm sorry I just don't know what came over me I just" he sighed. But being the understanding person you were, you gave in "it's okay baby. I'm sorry I should have told you last night I'm sorry." You said as he pulled you into a hug. But you knew this wasn't the end.

Your friend left home a few days later, but that's exactly when the games began. Mark had to go back to practice everyday for the next couple weeks and you had an idea to go surprise him with some homemade lunch. But to your dismay, he decided to get even with you for the events a few days ago, you showed up to the practice room before being greeted by all the boys and backup dancers except Mark and one snotty backup dancer in the back.

He smirked seeing you walk in seeing her flirt with and him place his arm around her shoulder. You sent a deep glare at him, and rolled your eyes. "Two play at that game mark, two can play at that game" you mumbled before leaving.
The next week consisted of you two doing everything you can to make eat other jealous and speaking noting about it at home. But you had a plan and you got YoungJae in on it too. Now Marks knows that before you two started dating your bias was YoungJae, and so did everyone else. But this plan would be sure to end the game once and for all.

You came to the practice room in the afternoon to 'watch the boys practice'. But Mark was in for it and wouldn't expect a thing. You got there and saw Mark automatically go to that one backup dancer to start flirting, and so it began. You were greeted by each member and all the backup dancers, but you were greeted lastly by YoungJae. He gave you a big hug swooping you off of the ground before setting you on your feet and an arm laying around your waist. Only YoungJae and Jackson new the truth that you and Mark were together, but the other members knew it'd be too risky to ask. So seeing you being all touchy feely with YoungJae didn't bring up as much attention to the guys, which was a good thing.

The boys had to continue practices and you continued your plan, which was to make Mark completely and utterly jealous. Which was working out well! You'd cheer on YoungJae instead of him, you and YoungJae took numerous selcas, and were sharing a lot of skin ship. But wasn't until you saw Mark kissing that girl on the forehead until you were done. That was you two'a thing, you were the only girl he ever kisses on the forehead and that was your favorite thing that he does. You were done. But you never go out without a bang so announced you were leaving, said goodbye to the guys and gave YoungJae and big whopping kiss on the cheek before glaring and Mark who placed another kiss on the girls forehead and intertwining their hands. Sending you off the edge tearing up and quickly exiting the room.

You made your way to the exit before hearing your name being called and footsteps getting closer and closer to you. "What do you want Mark" you said whipping the tears that escaped away before turning around. Without hesitating he pulled you straight into his arms hold you tight. "I'm sorry for getting jealous and starting this whole mess" he said kissing your forehead "I'm sorry for going along with this whole thing" you said hugging him tight.

"What do you say we head out together and make it up to each other?" He asked pulling away to look at you "movie night?" You grinned. "You read my mind" he said placing an arm around your shoulder before kissing your forehead as you two started walking.

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