Exo Scenario~ Chanyeol

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From my Tumblr! Edited! Enyoy!


 You smiled to yourself as you saw him coming towards your direction in the hallway. "Say Hi more!" his words rang through your head as you took a deep breath and prepared to say 'Hi' to Chanyeol. "Hi Chanyeol" You said waving as he passed by. "Hey Y/N" he said rushing out of sight within seconds allowing you a let out a sigh of relief. Being a trainee at Sm entertainment, whom was about to debut in less than a week was more than tiring, but you always managed to find yourself thinking about Chanyeol, there was just something about him that made your stomach fill with butterfly's. He was always so kind to you whenever you two spoke, despite your shyness, you could still find yourself able to hold a wonderful conversation with him after getting past the "Hi" at first.

Your shyness gets in the way of so much in your life, one being that you were just unable to get close to people and being able to confidently do whatever you pleased. But you can put on the best act, you've trained yourself to be as confident as you possibly can be for your life as an idol, and with everything going on with your debut only a few days away, you can't help but not be at a point were you can be super confident. Chanyeol on the other hand was always confident and smiling, able to go up to strangers and introduce himself without hesitation. It wasn't until one day, you were feeling so confident, that you didn't even realize your feet were moving towards him and your mouth a spitting out a "Hi I'm Y/N". That was the start of it all, the smiles whenever he saw you, the quick 'Hi's in the hallway between practices, and the occasional hug you would get randomly. But the best thing to come was the sweet "Say Hi more when you see me, good luck debuting" you got a few days ago.

But of course your shyness got in the way once again, though you've talked to him before, you still couldn't get to the point of being confident enough all the time to call him over to you, or pull his attention away from another person. The only other person that knew of this was Mr Do Kyungsoo himself, your best friend. You've known Kyungsoo for a few years now, he's actually the reason your even debuting in less than a week, and for that you are truly grateful for him helping to make your dream come true. "I just don't know what to do" You grumbled putting your head down on the table in front of you. Kyungsoo let out a little chuckle "Just say Hi to him, it's not that hard. He's like the easiest person to talk to Y/N. I'll be right there next to you when you do it, so you'll have no reason to be shy" He said patting your arm. You looked up at him with a glare "You said that last time but then you just backed away and watched from the other room Kyungsoo". He chuckled once more putting his hands up "In my defense, you didn't even notice until he left so stop complaining". It was true, you were so happy that Chanyeol was even talking to you that you forgot Kyungsoo had left. "But like I anonymously talked about my situation with some other people and they're all saying that I should just stop trying because my chances are just too low and uuhhhhgg. I debut in 4 days and I know after that I probably wont see him or talk to him for a while and hes just gonna forget me." You said pouting and you filled your own head with confusion.

Kyungsoo smacked your arm grabbing your attention "Ouch what was that for" you glared as he kept a serious face. "I told you Y/N stop thinking like that, You have a really high chance with him trust me, and he's not going to forget about you because I talk about you and how your like a sister to me all the time anyways so just calm down" He said letting out a breath. You smiled at his words before ruffling his hair. "Ahh your right, thank you best friend you're the best" You smiled. "Of course I am" He said acting cocky "And you know what makes me an even better best friend" he smirked. "What??" You questioned excitedly. He reached to the floor by his seat and picked up 2 bubble tea's and handed you one. "Oh my god I love you" You squealed before sipping away at it.

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