Not Anymore

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Your first reaction wasn't to cry, or clench your heart in pain from the sight you'd just witness. You found it quite hilarious that you'd spend all day at work, and spent your hard earned money right afterwards to buy him an expensive ass watch he'd been wanting for a while. Most people imagine a candle lit dinner and a welcoming boyfriend on a 4 year anniversary, but as always Mino was indeed full of surprises. 

 That morning, you'd woken up early enough to get ready for work and make Mino breakfast, for when he'd finally get up. For the past month he'd been coming home later and later working in the studio and preparing for his upcoming schedule. At first, the loneliness ate you alive, but after starting your job, you were too exhausted by the end of the day to even worry about it. At first, you waited for him, trying your best to stay awake for as long as possible, but as time went by, his arrival increased by the hour. It became the routine to hear the door close at 4AM as he changed and shuffled under the covers, pulling you close to him as he dozed off. The only time you ever saw him was in the mornings when you woke up with him beside you, sleeping soundly. You knew dating an idol would lead to situations like this, so it didn't phase you much anyways considering the fact that you'd always been a one woman show in the past. 

After preparing him breakfast and leaving a sweet note, you rushed to work, wishing for time to fly by... and it flew by quicker than you'd expected. Before you knew it, you were pulling your keys out of your cluttered purse, and tossing them on the table as soon as you walked in. A smile made its way across your cheeks as you noticed his keys right next to yours, meaning he'd read your note and stayed home for once. Or so you thought that was the reason. By the time you heard a giggle coming from your shared bed room, it had come to your attention that a pair of deep red pumps were scattered in the hallway, a pair of which you certainly didn't own. "Wow" you breathed rolling your eyes as you figured the scene behind the door. "I should have seen this coming" you scoffed carelessly marching up to your bedroom door. You slowly turned the door knob, pushing it to reveal exactly what you pictured, Mino with another girl, in your own apartment. It took him a good couple of minutes before he noticed you staring right at him in the door way. "Shit!" he cursed throwing the girl right off of him as she squealed at his touch. 

"So this is how we role now Mino?" You questioned laughing at his distraught. "You have a girlfriend?" The girl who just so happened to be a trainee at the same company. "Not after this he doesn't" You said stepping further into the room, picking every piece of her clothing throne on the floor and tossing it at her. "Go on, get out." She mumbled apologies before rushing out of the room stumbling to the front door. "Y/N" Mino said slipping on his pants before getting up to grab your wrist. You swatted his hand away disgusted "Were you even gonna tell me?" You questioned as you grabbed your suitcase from your closet. "I'm so sorry." He managed to say after finally getting you to look at him. "No you're not. How long has this been going on?" His silence gave you enough of an answer.

"She's the reason you've been in so late isn't she?" you chuckled "You know, I never once doubted you, or mistrusted you, and certainly never managed to picture you of all people to do something like this." Your blood boiled as you poked your finger in his chest "You of all people should have been the last person on Earth who would have EVER DONE THAT SHIT." Your anger turned into frustrated tears as you pushed at his chest, as he let you. "why" you questioned feeling as if all energy was drained from your body, letting your hands lay flat on his chest pulling your head down. Fighting very urge to wrap his arms around you, he let you cry, knowing you didn't want him to hold you like he use to. "You know what" you stepped back creating enough space between the two of you "I should have seen this coming. Why don't I just go? okay? Get out of your apartment. Get out of your sight. Get out of your life." It was pretty clear that it wouldn't have ended well any ways. 

"Y/N I love you, I just.." he spoke with tears in his eyes. 

"No you don't" 

"But I do. I just messed up and I'm so sorry. just please.. I.."

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have even thought about her in the first place. If you loved me, you would have come home. If you loved me, like I love you, then this would have never happened."

He remained silent watching you pack your clothes and belongings into your bags. You knew damn good and well he loved you at one point. Whether it be up to the second he met her, or long before that, his love diminished into lust for another. He may have loved you, but not anymore, atleast for the time being.
"What was it?" You questioned turning to face him. "What was what?" He'd question with pain in his eyes. "What was it about her that made you stop loving me? Or was it just lust for something new?" By then you'd found your second suit case and had just about everything important packed.
"I though you stopped loving me okay." He spoke looking away from your tearful eyes. You froze, scoffing at him "If I stopped loving you, would I have stayed with you? If I stopped loving you, I wouldn't have bothered to even trust you. If I didn't love you, would I be so hurt right now ?" Your heart ached as you noticed the shining tears streaming down his face. Out of 4 years, this happened to be the first time you'd ever witnessed him actually cry.

"You stopped waiting, and then you got your job and.." You cut him off "why didn't you just talk to me? Tell me. Question me. Anything?" You let your legs give out as you sat on the bed staring at the wall in front of you. You felt weight shift next to you, as Mino hesitantly wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You couldn't lie, it was indeed comforting to feel him care for you, but nothing would remain the same. Not after this.
"I need to go." You spoke, remaining still, trying to mentally get your marbles in order.
"Please. I love you." He pulled your chin towards him, locking eyes.
"You did. And I love you more than you'll ever know but I'm not doing this. Not anymore." You smiled at him before reluctantly finishing your packing. It would be the last time for a while that you'd see him, but it wouldn't have been the same anyways. For now atleast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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