B.A.P Zelo Scenario

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Another old on from my tumblr, edited a bit!! Enjoy!


"I love you" Junhong said through the phone. With a large smile appearing on your face you blushed.

"I love you too Junhong" You said before he said his goodbye and hung up the phone. Junhong was currently at the studio practicing for b.a.p's new come back coming up soon, while you were walking down the street to a close cafe. Hearing footsteps behind you, you turned around to see the 3 girls that had been following you for a quite while now.

Knowing a short cut you picked up your pace a bit and rounded some corners until you heard your name being called.

"Yah! y/n" You turned around to come face to face with the girls that had been following you. "annyeonghaseyo" You bowed and smiled. "Do I know you?" You asked nicely.

"No, thank god, we just came to tell you to stay away from our Oppa" The blonde one smirked as she rolled her eyes at you. "Im sorry?" You question.

"Stay away from Zelo you idiot, or your going to regret it." One said pushing you a bit. "If you dont then your going to wish you never even laid eyes on him." The third girl said pushing you once more. Just then your phone went off with a text from Junhong that read 'Finally done with practice Jagiya <3' You replied with "Can you guys come get me...?" sending him your location you looked back up to the 3 girls looking at you with a rude look upon their faces.

"Im sorry You feel that way I didnt mean to do anything to you" You replied smiling softly. One raised their hand and slapped your phone to the ground "Look she probably texting him right now, smh" She snarled. Bending over to pick up your phone the blonde one pushed you, sending you tumbling to the floor. "Ow" You groaned lightly, grabbing your phone and getting up. "Please leave me alone and carry on, have a good day" You said ignoring your blood boiling up inside. Walking away all 3 girl snarled in disbelief at how nice you were being.

Rounding the corner to the cafe you were making your way to in the first place, Junhong and the rest of b.a.p came into sight. Wiping the rest of the dirt off your bottom you brought a smile to your face as Junhong came running over to you. "You okay y/n?!?" Junhong asked examining you, whipping the rest of the dirt off your bottom (no not your butt Sadly ._.) "Yeah I-i just fell" You lied biting your lip. "No you didn't, your lying you always bite your lip when you lie" Junhong said crossing his arms.

"Yeah what happened" Yongguk said along with the rest of the members. "Nothing I just ran into some fans that didn't really like me and yeah" You said awkwardly and quickly. "What did they do?" Junhong asked. "Nothing, lets get some coffee yeah?" You said trying to walk away but Zelo walked in front of you and lightly grabbed your arm "What happened?" He asked looking in your eyes.

"They just told me to stay away from their oppa or ill regret it and pushed me a bit and knocked my phone out of my hand but its all good I mean my screen didn't crack" You said mentally slapping yourself. "Oh jagiya are you alright they made you fall didn't they?" Junhong said wrapping his arms around you squeeze you tight. "Im fine Babe" You said breathing in his scent.

"You 100% sure?" Daehyun asked. "Yes im sure" You gigled. You knew that it was bound to happen, your datting Zelo from b.a.p for christ sakes. "So about that coffee" yongguk smirked making his way into the small cafe. You giggled as you as Junhong had his arms wrapped around you walking you to the cafe. "Im just glad you're okay Jagiya" Junhong said placing a kiss on your lips. "Im glad I get to kiss you" You said placing a peck on his lips.

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