Too Damn Well (Optional Bias)

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      Truth is, she wasn't over him yet. Not one day passed by that he didn't seem to scurry across her mind. It wasn't a sweet farewell either, the words shared that night would sink deep into one another's mind for as long as they were apart. All because he lied, under the sad circumstances, it was his only choice and only way to protect her without revealing the truth.

"I don't love you anymore. I never loved you. You were just good for my image" He bit his cheek as he watched those warm tears slide down her hurt face. He tried his best the fight the urge to wrap his arms around her shivering figure, to tell her it was a lie and he just wanted to protect her. It wasn't like she would have died or anything, he wouldn't let that happen, but at the rate that things were going with the business and the dangers behind it, she very well could have. So he had to make the decision to get her out and away from anything that would threaten her life and happiness. "Wonho wanted you, so I stole you from him, just to piss him off. I didn't mean for it to go this far." He spoke clearing his throat, trying to keep her oblivious of his own urge to cry. 

"Liar" she spoke looking him straight in the eyes, taking a few steps closer towards him. "You're lying to me, I can see it in your eyes. LIAR!" she cried pushing him, hitting his chest with her shaking hands. She was as right as she'd ever been, but it had to be done. His arms remained stiff by his side as she hit him until she found herself sliding onto the floor.

"I'm sorry" He spoke taking a step back, avoiding his gaze towards the wall in front of him. She found herself staring at him, at his lips to be exact. Whenever he lied, he bit his plump lips, a nervous tick that used to make her smile. There he went, chewing at his lip as she questioned his motives, anger filling her body. At that point she broke her gaze, standing up from the hard wood surface and heading towards the door. She grabbed his keys from the small table where she'd toss her purse after a long day at work, and swung open the wooden door.

"Get out." She spoke, tossing his keys towards his face. He grabbed them mid air, thankful for his quick reflexes. He hesitated for a moment, afraid but also relieved that she was angered by him. He'd rather have her angry than stuck on the floor crying her eyes out, which eventually would happen but at least he wouldn't have to witness it. "Send one of your boys to get your stuff. You're not welcome here anymore." She spoke as he walked out of the door, refusing eye contact with her anger filled orbs. After he heard that door slam behind him, and the rush of air that came with it, he couldn't take it. His hands ruffled his messy hair, as he consequently let his own tears make their way down his face. "It had to be done" He whispered to himself, "It had to be done."

That was it for a while, one of the boys came by to pick his stuff up after she'd sorrowfully packed it up that night. After her anger wore off, she found herself calling into work, trying to sleep her thoughts away. It made no sense what so ever to her, "I don't love you anymore. I never loved you." that was her first red flag; for someone as articulate as him to talk about not loving her 'anymore' to 'never' loving her threw her mind off so bad. What he said about Wonho was indeed true, but even if he was his number one enemy, he wouldn't have stooped that low. But the way he chewed on his lower lip gave it all away, she knew he was lying right to her face, and she wanted to know why.

Of course a part of him did it all on purpose because he knew she'd figure it out in the long run. Right when she called him a liar, he felt a sense of relief because she just knew him too damn well. She knew he had a reason for this, he had a reason for everything. And boy did it have to be a good enough reason for his attempt to break her heart or she'd never let him hear the end of it. 

It was a hard processes, but she made it through the day knowing that it had to have been for her own protection. But she could only hold on for so long before she felt the need to let loose, it was almost a year without him in her life that she'd finally been motivated to make her way into a night club with her girl friends. He on the other hand, was too busy to find himself dealing with anything other than his territory and the rough sales underground. It was a tough life, and he was all too young to even deal with the daily thugs but he'd been born into the business and there wasn't much he could do about it, other than to initiate his power. Despite his own problems, he never let go of her, always finding a way to check up on her, keeping her out of trouble. Lucky for him, his friends were her friends, and they played a pivotal role in her protection.

They were too much alike sometimes, some points made it seem like they were the same person split up into different bodies. So when the stress hit and they both needed a break, the same club where they'd met would have been their destination. She let her heels click on the hard marble tiles as she walked towards the bar area ordering her usual mix. The bartender smiled recognizing her sweet voice "Haven't seen you in a while. Glad to see you're still wearing those red pumps " She smiled reaching over the counter to give her a quick hug. "Yeah well a lots changed but these shoes are always there" she sighed remembering how she felt when he found the last pair in her size, sub sequentially that was the day they'd made it official too.

She made small talk with the bartender, making up for the long months she hadn't stepped foot into the club. She told her what happened, ranting on about how she knew he was lying as the bartender smiled. "You know, I don't want to kill or mood or anything but he's here tonight" she smiled as she looked at him, as he spared every glance he could to watch the love of his life sit so close to him. She held her breath, before turning around to see him staring at his glass, alone at the table they'd usually sit at every Saturday night. She felt her eyes water and a smile spring across her face as she turned to face her beloved friend. " He hasn't changed a bit" she spoke quietly, glad to see him in such good shape.

"You know he's told me the same thing, about an hour before you arrived. Look my friend, you never seem to be wrong about that man, you know him too damn well." The bartender reached a hand out to cup her cheek "He never stopped loving you. You were right, so go get him before it's too late for both of you" the bartender smiled as she grasped her soft hand. After that, she shot up from her seat, finding him standing up from his seat, eyes following her movements. It wasn't until their eyes locked from across the room that they both froze, unable to move. A smile spread across his cheeks as he turned towards the exit, while Eunsol knew just his intentions. She scurried as fast her heels would carry her, shooting out of the door and around the corner as he leaned on the wall awaiting her arrival. 

The second he heard her shoes click against the cement, he pulled her into him, arms locking around her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she buried herself into his familiar scent, that she had missed so much. Those 11 months that had passed were nothing at that point, the only thing that mattered was then and there. He knew she'd be there that night, he just felt it in his gut, he knew she'd rant on with the bartender, because ultimately he just knew her too damn well.

"I'm sorry I lied"

"I'm sorry I figured you out so soon"

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