chapter 53.

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Once we get back to my house, Scott and Isaac carry my dad into the living room. Scott's mom rushes in and begins to make sure that my dad is okay. She puts new bandages on his wounds and gives him pain killers. I didn't know what to do, I just sat there hoping that everything was going to be okay.

I know that nothing that was happening was normal but to them, it was. This was something that they knew how to handle while my father and I didn't have a clue. I sat beside my dad as the rest of them tried to figure something out. 

"Whoever that was, they're here for something and we have to stick together." Scott says.

"So, how do we approach this?" Stiles asks.

"I need to talk to Derek." Scott replies and gets up. Scott and Allison leave to find Derek.

"Are we safe here?" I ask and Stiles nods his head.

"Isaac can protect us, I'm sure. I'll do my best to do the same. I need a baseball bat." He laughs.

I smile and cover my dad with a blanket that was on the back of the couch. I was getting so nervous and I felt like I was going to throw up at any given second. All of a sudden, we heard a crash outside and Isaac got up instantly. Melissa told him to go check and Stiles stood by the door, with his baseball bat. My dad tried getting up but Melissa told him to lay back because he couldn't put stress on his ribs.

I heard Isaac yell and Stiles ran out the door. Melissa didn't know what to do so she ran to the door and locked it. A minute later, she let Stiles in, and he came in panicking. 

"The bat broke, call Scott now. Hurry, Ashlyn!" He was screaming and I had never seen him so frantic in my life. I call Scott and he picks up on the first ring.

"Get over here now, something is going on." I say and he hangs up.

Isaac begins banging on the door and Melissa lets him in quickly. His forehead and nose are gushing blood. It looked like claws had dug in to his forehead. I was freaking out. What was going on? 

Melissa pours rubbing alcohol on Isaac's cuts and he breathes in harshly. She then makes him put pressure against his nose so it'll stop bleeding. I run into the kitchen and grab ice for Melissa to put on Isaac's forehead. 

"I don't need that, I'm fine." He says and I just hand the ice to Melissa. 

It took no time for Scott to get back and when he saw Isaac, he knew that he needed a plan for whatever was happening. A man walked in with Scott and Allison, who I assume is Derek. It was Derek and everyone but my father and I knew who he was. 

"Scott, you need a plan, now." He says and Scott nods his head. Scott examines Isaac's wounds and makes sure he's okay. Scott decides that it's best for us to all go back to Derek's place. I go upstairs to pack my dad and I some clothes. I don't really know how long we're going to be there so I pack us a few outfits. If we're there longer than I assume, I'll just have to come back and get some more clothes.

I go to my bathroom and grab toothpaste and my toothbrush. I hear my bedroom door open so I stop moving around to listen for whoever it was. I see the bathroom door handle twist and I feel even more anxious. I see that it's just Isaac and I let out a sigh. 

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

 He nods and just says he has a headache now. I smile and hug him, thankful to feel his arms wrapped around me even though everything, including us, was just a mess right now. I hoped that Isaac and I would work things out, but I know that once my dad gets the chance, he's going to want us to move again. 

I kiss Isaac and we walk back downstairs. I didn't want to think about that anymore. There were worse things going on and I needed to stay focused on my dad. My dad, Melissa and I ride with Stiles. Isaac and Scott go with Derek. Allison goes back home to see where Lydia is.

Stiles tried not to hit any bumps or drive harshly due to my father. We sat in almost complete silence unless Stiles was whispering things to himself and Melissa asking my dad if he's okay. My dad was such a strong person, not once did he complain about this entire situation that he was in. I loved him and couldn't ever say how thankful I was. I hope that I'm never stupid enough to take him for granted.

We arrive at Derek's and it just looks like a rundown building. I was a bit sketchy about this place but once I saw the inside, I was amazed. It was beautiful and I loved it. We went back outside and I grabbed the bags that I brought. I wasn't too sure if everyone was camping out here or if Scott was going to leave me here with this strange man.

My dad and I sat down while the rest of them were in another room discussing things. I assume they were trying to figure out what to do. 

Isaac, Scott and Melissa come out and tell me they're going to take my dad to a bed so he can rest.

"I'll go with him, I don't want to leave him alone." I say and stand up as Isaac and Scott help him up. 

"No, I'm going to watch over him and make sure he's okay. You just stay here and relax, I know you're probably needing some time to relax." Melissa says and I nod my head no.

"It's okay, Ash. I'll be okay. I'm in good hands." My dad says and smiles. I just feel like crying but I hug him and they help him to the bedroom. I sit back down and Derek walks in. 

I decide I'll introduce myself considering he doesn't know me and he's just letting strangers in his house.

"I'm Ashlyn." I say.

"I know," he replies, "I've heard from Isaac."



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