chapter 57.

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I'll never forget the look on Isaac's face when he realized that I was leaving. He was hurt and I could tell. This was for the best though, right? He deserved to live a safe life and hopefully if I left, he would. What if I make it worse by leaving? Is that possible?

I said my goodbyes to Isaac and kissed him one last time. The boy that had protected me, got on my nerves, and fought for me every single second was about to be left behind by me. Just like his father did to him, he betrayed Isaac. I was doing the same, pretty much - only I didn't want to.

I cried and my father gave me a moment alone with Isaac.

"I don't want you to go," Isaac said to me, "please stay. Everything will be fine."

"I can't," I replied, "you guys have put yourselves in danger for me and I can't have that happening."

He hugged me one last time, so tightly that I almost didn't think I'd take my next breath. I kissed Isaac's neck and rubbed his back. I'd be leaving him in less than 5 minutes and I didn't want to, but it's best for my dad and my friends.

"I love you, forever." He said and rubbed his forefinger over my hand.

"And I love you, just beyond that." I said back. We walked to the living room, where everyone stood. I gave them all hugs and told them goodbye. I cried multiple times doing so, but at least I can text or call them whenever I need. Melissa checked over my dad one last time and that was it, we were headed to Washington.

Was I even going to be remotely happy in Washington? No, but I knew this is what we all needed. My dad needed a fresh start and my friends needed to get rid of something causing harm. I'm not sure why I was chosen to be attacked but I was, and it's something not only I have to live with, but it's something my friends would've had to deal with and that's far from what I want.

Half an hour into the drive, my dad has fallen asleep and everything seems to be peaceful. I look at the sky and see dark clouds are rolling in and I can only pray this storm holds off until we're in the hotel to take a break from driving. Please hold off, I think to myself. I spoke too soon, as rain starting hitting the windshield so hard I thought it was going to break.

My dad woke up in a panic, thinking I had wrecked or something I assume, and I try to calm him down while trying to find a place to park for a little bit. Luckily, we came up on a diner. It was called The Wolves Den and it made me laugh. My dad rolled his eyes and said "no more."

We walked in to see wolves heads everywhere on the walls. Literally, everywhere.

"Hi, I'm your waitress for the day," the young girl said while handing us our menus, "what would you like to drink?"

We told her our drinks and looked over the food. It all sounded really good but I hardly had an appetite, my dad on the other hand was dying to try their grilled cheese and tomato soup. So, we both ordered that.

The rain was still pouring and you could hear it hitting the roof of the building. The lightning struck loud too, making everyone in the restaurant jump. Even better, the power went out.

"Does it ever end?" My dad asked, making me laugh.

"No, never." A man answered, walking towards our booth. My dad smiled and agreed.

The man walked away and the power came back on because they used a generator. I got up while my dad ate to look at all the wolves. This was just ironic that I just left a pack of wolves to come to a diner where they hung them on the walls.

I stopped as I seen one with golden eyes and blackish-grey fur. As I touched it, the same man came up behind me and told me to be careful. He scared me a little because I wasn't expecting him to sneak up like that.

"That's my favorite one I've caught," he said and I squinted.

"You caught?" I asked, curious.

"Yes, I hunt them. With a little bit of tools and supplies, I have them in my hands in no time. I usually don't kill, but some of them just don't make it." He said and smirked, looking at the wolf on the wall.

I laughed awkwardly, not knowing what to say to this man or what to do next. I missed Isaac.

"Where are you traveling from?" He asked me and this scared me even more, because I hadn't told this man anything. "I'm only asking because I heard you say Beacon Hills while you were having a conversation with that man over there."

"Yeah, I'm from there." I said.

"Me too," he shook my hand, "I'm Chris Argent."

Argent? As in Allison Argent? I was confused. We were an hour away from Beacon Hills. Why does he have a diner way out here?

"Allison?" I said. Not knowing what else to say.

"Yes, my daughter. You know her? Not shocking. She gets along with everyone," he says, "this is a family owned diner. I just recently opened it back up, in honor of my late wife."

I just nodded. What was going on here? He was hunting wolves while Allison hung out with an entire pack of them? Why would she do that?

"I know her. We are friends, along with Scott, her boyfriend."

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, yeah. Scott."

I decided to go back and sit with my dad. Telling Chris goodbye, as I started to feel a sense of worry. Not from him, but just in general. Why would I meet her dad here? I'm just confused.

"Are you okay, Ashlyn?" My dad asked.

"I'm fine, we should get going." I say and we leave a tip for our waitress.

I get in the car, to find that my phone has been blown up with texts from Scott and Stiles. They kept saying how much Isaac missed me and how much they miss me, but I had to keep going.


OMG hey guys!! I know no one will probably read this because it's been so freaking long but I decided to update because for once, I don't have writers block!!

I know the Argents really do not have a diner, but this is my story. I'm mixing it up because I don't want it COMPLETELY based off the show. As you can tell from previous chapters. ☺️☺️☺️

Love you all and if you read this far, thank you.

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