chapter 9.

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Scott and Stiles are talking back and forth on where Isaac could even be at this point. My heart is broken, I'm sick to my stomach, and I haven't prayed so hard before in my entire life. The day Isaac went home he seemed just fine. He seemed happy and he hadn't mentioned anything to be bothering him. So, I'm confused and sad both at the same time. What a mix of emotions.

"Ashlyn?" Stiles says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I say back.

"You said he didn't mention anything that was bothering him, right?" He asks.

"Right. The only thing that really happened was a nightmare that he had but he didn't tell me much about it."

Stiles gives me a confused look and Scott looks at him. It's like they are talking through their eyes and I'm just here to feel awkward.

"Ash, I think we'll just continue our look tomorrow. In the daylight. It's already 11 at night." Scott tells me and I nod my head. As much as I hate continuing our look for tomorrow because I wish I would've found him tonight, it's worth it because Isaac has grown on me and I'm hoping that he's okay.


We pull into my driveway and I get out. The boys tell me goodbyes and I go inside. I lock the door behind me and see that my dad is in the living room.

"Hey dad."

"Ash! Are you okay? It's so late." He says back to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Isaac has ran off somewhere and no one has spoken to him since Sunday. When he left here." My heart aches just thinking about it.

"Oh goodness. Maybe we should do a missing report tomorrow."

"Yeah, Scott, Stiles, and I are going looking again tomorrow."

He gives me a sympathetic look and hugs me. I tell him goodnight and go upstairs. I change into my night clothes and lay on my bed. My head is filled with thoughts about Isaac and hoping he's okay. I feel my eyes get heavy and I'm off to sleep.


"Ashlyn, you're the reason I'm happy again." He says to me.

"And you make me happy, Isaac. Don't do this. Please." I plead.

"You deserve better. You could do better. I'm worthless and I hope someday you'll understand that but I don't need to live anymore." He says. Tears falling out of his eyes.

Before I know it, the gun is to Isaac's head and I'm on the floor because I just lost the one person who meant everything to me.


I jump up out of my sleep. Why would I dream something like that? It's so weird and I can feel myself wanting to cry. I'm sweating from the dream I had and realize it's only two in the morning. I have never had such a vivid dream before and I definitely don't want to start now. I decide on taking a shower, hoping to relax myself.

As I'm showering, I feel like I keep hearing knocking coming from my bedroom window but I choose to ignore it because it's probably just my paranoia getting the best of me. Like it always does.

After my shower I lay back down and I am asleep again in a matter of a minute.


I wake up and it's 10 a.m. Scott and Stiles decided that we should get an early start to looking so we could have longer. They're coming here first so I decided I'd make some breakfast.

I hear knocking on the door and run to open it. Scott and Stiles comes in without even letting me open the door completely.

"Smells good in here." Scott says.

"Thank you, I made breakfast for us since we're going to have a long day ahead of us." I smile.

"What a good friend you are!" He says back and Stiles laughs.

As we start to eat, Scott is rambling about where Isaac could've went, why he left, and some other stuff that I don't understand.

We finish eating and I leave my dad a note saying I'll probably be home late.

We get into Stiles' jeep and leave quickly. The car is quiet. No one is talking. Scott is texting someone. Looks like it says "Allison" so he must be telling her what we're doing today. Stiles is humming some sort of song and I'm sitting here wondering about pointless stuff that probably no one ever even thinks about. I'm trying to not worry so much about Isaac because I'm sure he's fine but there's still that thought that always finds it's way into my head and it kills me because it makes me think negative things instead of positive. That's never good in a situation like this.

We pull into a driveway. I've never seen this house before. Scott and Stiles get out at the same time and I'm sitting here wondering if I should get out too.

"Well, are you coming?" Stiles says to me. Looking at me confused.


We walk into the house and it's really nice. I follow Scott and Stiles into the kitchen where I see a woman in scrubs.

"Hey mom." Scott says.

"Hey, Scott! Stiles!"

"Momma McCall!" Stiles chirps.

I laugh and Scott introduces me to his mom.

"You're welcome here anytime, Ashlyn." She says to me and smiles.

Scott leads us upstairs and into his bedroom. How being at Scott's house is going to help us any, I'll never know. But Scott and Stiles have known him longer than I have.

We all take seats. Scott and Stiles on the bed and I sit in a computer chair.

"Time to start our search." Scott says and sighs looking at me.


HEY GUYS!!! Thank you so much for all the reads. I'm sorry I've been taking so long to update. I just get writers block and almost cry because it sucks. Most of you probably aren't going to read this so whatever but should I do Isaac's P.O.V. before I continue on or what??? Also, I'm sorry this chapter was so short!!!! It's 8 in the morning and I haven't slept yet omg!! Should be another update tonight making up for it!!

thanks again for all the reads. Please vote :) <3 ily guys! X

Holding On to You » Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now