Chapter 1 (Picture of Beatrice)

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I'm Beatrice and I'm 17 years-old and I play the Quarterback, safety and kicker for my high school team the Patriots. I started playing football ten years ago when I lost my mom, she was my world my everything. When I lost her the loving side of me shut down and the bitch side of me came out I can still hear my loving side talking to me sometimes but I never listen. Anyways I just came out of football practice and now I am heading to my camaro with my best friend Mike, he's been the closest thing to a brother and has always been there for me especially when my mom died, we've known each other since birth.

I am just wasting time introducing myself to you (talking to myself going over my life inside my head)

"Hey Bea aren't you gonna unlock the car." I heard Mike say, snapping me out of my trance.

"When did you become so needy?." I said to him smirking.

"When did you become so distracted." He snapped at me while smirking at the same time.

"Alright I admit I've been a little distracted the past few days but that's only because of the big game coming up, I mean aren't you excited to beat those bobcats asses." I excitedly said ready to hit someone.

"Yeah I am but you know it's getting ready to rain and I don't want to stand in the rain all day, so can you just please unlock the car for me." He said with puppy dog eyes and a chuckle trailing behind.

"Yeah let's go home and order some pizza, how 'bout 10 boxes cause you know the guys are gonna come over like always." I said opening the door

" Yes and this time can we get one with jalapeños and ham please pretty pretty please with sugar on top." He said with his most pleading voice and the biggest puppy dog eyes he could make.

"Just this once Mike, this one time." I warned.

"Yay" he yelled so loud his voice cracked and he sounded like a little school girl.

I laugh so hard I was holding my stomach in pain. Mike eventually joined in. We laughed a good 2-3 minutes.

Once I got ahold of myself I roared my engine to life and spead off before the guys reached my house because I still had to order the pizza or they would tear the house up just for food. (I live in my dads house which was three stories tall, it is like a mansion and it has a huge basement that has two levels to it, my room is the basement and the second level to it which has three rooms is the kitchen, laundromat and game room,so we made it into a little house.) We were sorta rich but I never brag about it.

I got home and the first thing Mike did was yell out to my dad that we were gonna get 10 pizzas. And the first thing I did was go down to my room and order the pizzas then I got into the shower and cleaned myself up, I got out of the shower and wrapped myself up with a towel and went to get clothes from my closet. The first thing I saw when I got out of the bathroom was the guys all staring at me probably hoping that the towel would fall off of my naked body.

"What the hell do you think your looking at close your mouths I don't want to have to mope in here because of all the drool coming out of your mouths." I yelled and smiled at the same time.

"Well it's hard not to look when your the only girl in the room, and besides you can't deny that we are guys and you have a rockn' body Bea." Ian said with a smirk which made him look even cuter.

"Well I'm gonna cover up this 'rockin body' and then who wants to eat some pizza and play some video games, who wants to go against the champion?" I said while walking to my closet feeling their eyes trailing behind.

"I'm more hungry for you Bea." I heard Mason say from the distance, I heard him smirking in the sentence.

"Calm your hormones Mase, everyone in the room knows that you like me and everyone knows that it's never gonna happen." I said smirking and the whole room yelled 'Burn' in his face and laughed histareicly.

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