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My name is Padmé, after my great-grandmother. I am the daughter of Kylo Ren, a sith apprentice, and Rey, a Jedi in training. I was raised as my father's apprentice, learning ever since I could hold a saber. But the tricky part is, no one can know of my existence. I was not supposed to be born. But no matter the difficulties My parents and I face daily, life goes on. Welcome to my life in the shadows. Where I have lived since the day I was born.
   Happy birthday to me. Emphasis on "birth."

   It was the coldest night of the year. A woman cried out in pain as she gave birth. To me. Her first name is Rey, last name... well you'll find out eventually. Her lover, whom is also my father, sat beside her bed with her hand in his. His name is Kylo Ren, originally Ben Solo.

   "She's beautiful." They said in unison. "What should we name her, Ben?" He hesitated, having never considered a girl name. "Padmé. After her great grandmother." My hazel eyes were glowing in the faint light. A new generation of Jedi had arisen, but not in the way most would expect.

  I am Padmé Ren, and this is the story of my chaotic life of unknown.

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