Chapter 2

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I was furious at my father. Why couldn't he have just told me he wanted a new apprentice instead of me having to find out for myself? Maybe he planned on training us both at once. I don't really understand how that would work out, but it's a possibility I can't ignore. 

I heard a small knock on my bedroom door. I get up off of my bed and open the door to find Anakin staring back at me. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I honestly didn't know he had an apprentice, or a daughter." 

I laughed harshly. "You and the rest of the Galaxy." He looked confused, but that was because he didn't realize what I was trying to say.

I sighed and pulled him into my room, shutting the door behind us, before I sat him down on my bed next to me and started explaining. 

"I'm the daughter of Kylo Ren and Rey. A Sith Lord and a Jedi. I cannot be known to most of the Galaxy, because my birth was secret. Rey came here as soon as she found out that she was pregnant, and told Kylo, so he held her in "captivity" until I was born." Anakin nodded slowly. It was a lot to take in, so I understand that he was still a little confused.

I looked over at the clock that was on my bedside table. It was 5:45 pm. I was supposed to meet my dad in fifteen minutes. Oh crap. 

I started to walk towards the door, then told Anakin that I was supposed to meet my father. He nodded understandingly, and I sprinted down the hall. 

Fifteen minutes might sound like a long enough time to get somewhere, but when this ship has at least a 1000 square feet on a single floor, it's not. 

Running down the hallway tired me out before I was even halfway there. I stopped, caught my breath, a sprinted once again.

   I eventually got to where I was supposed to meet my father. Even though I was 5 minutes late. He was leaning up against a wall when I arrived to the spot where he told me to find him. 

Hearing my approach, he looked up. "You're late." 

I looked towards my feet. "I'm sorry father," I then remembered Anakin, and anger filled me "I was just getting acquainted with your new apprentice." 

He gasped. "How do you.... When.... What?!?!" 

I glared at him, furious. "Why didn't you tell me? Huh?! You already have an apprentice! Or am I not good enough for you anymore?" He looked taken aback from my sudden outburst of rage. 

But then he regained his professionalism, and stood up straight. "That's why I told you to meet me here. I was going to tell you you have a new training partner." Partner? So he isn't replacing me? Whew!

   "Anakin Kenobi is a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but I think you already guessed that. He came here one day, and told us his first name and that he wanted to join the First Order in our battle against the Resistance. He didn't really give a reason, but any fighter is a good fighter. We put him in one of the storm trooper programs, and that's when we found out his last name. Being a descendant of a force-sensitive, I decide to make him our apprentice." He explained all about what had happened. 

"Wait, what do you mean 'our' apprentice?" I asked him. 

He looked up at me with a smile. "You will be helping me with his training. I'll focus on his lightsaber and force-using skills, and you will help with his martial arts training." I had an apprentice! Well, I would help with his training, but still...

Apparently Kylo could sense my excitement, because he made a comment. "Don't get too excited. I know how you get when you're excited, and I would like it if you don't kill him before the day is done." 

I stopped bouncing on my heels, but I was still extremely happy. 

"Training starts today. I don't have anything I need to do tomorrow, so we'll train until the sun rises." He paused. "Also, his room is the empty one next to yours. Try to make him feel at least slightly welcome." I nodded, and asked where he was. 

"He should be waiting in his room. Meet me at the training room with him." He spun on his heel and walked down the hall in the direction of the training rooms. 

I turned the other way, and started sprinting back towards my room. Adrenaline helped me on my freedom run to go get Anakin. I didn't tire out until I reached his door, and even then I wasn't really that tired. 

I knocked on his door, and a short moment later, it swooshed open. He looked at me with puzzled expression, and I explained that Kylo asked to start training tonight. He nodded understandingly. 

"Give me a minute, I want to change out of these clothes." At that, he shut the door, but I only waited 2 minutes before it opened again. He stepped out wearing a tight tank top and sweatpants. 

Dayumm boy. You is hot. His biceps were clearly visible in this outfit, something I hadn't noticed before. His voice brought me back. 

"Shall we?" I nodded, and I lead him to the training room.

Hey guys! Hope you liked that last part. *winking face* I do plan on making a relationship between Padmé and Anakin, so stay tuned to see what happens!

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