Chapter 3

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It didn't take long to get to the training room. When we got there, my dad was already waiting for us. He glanced up at us walking towards him. 

"Took you long enough." His tone was serious. It was probably only because Anakin was here. "Come on. Let's not waste any more time." He led us through the door that he had been standing outside of.

Inside of the room, there were dozens of punching bags hanging from the ceiling, and a couple of wrestling mats. "Today, Anakin, we will be training you in the art of fist fighting." 

Anakin laughed. "Don't you think I already know how to fight?" He would later regret giving my father an attitude. I always did, at least. 

"I am not claiming that you cannot throw a punch, but I have no proof of that, now do I? So stop talking back to me and start training." Anakin just stood with a dumbfounded look on his face. "NOW!!" My father screamed at him. 

I had never seen him this temperamental before. But looking over at me and seeing my shock, he gave me a wink. It's all just an act. He's trying to make Anakin fear him. And his act was working. Anakin could barely put a fabric wrap around his hand because he was shaking so badly.

Eventually, he calmed down, and started throwing punches at the lifeless bag that was dangling from a chain. He had decent form, but he wasn't putting much force into his swings. To give him an example, I started doing combinations of kicks and punches on a bag right next to his. 

My father stood back and observed. "Good, Padmé. Anakin, you should attempt to mimic her attacks. Try using different combinations while fighting."

Anakin nodded, and tried to copy what I was doing. Notice I said tried.

He still wasn't putting force into his swings, and it was clearly making my father impatient. Really this time. Kylo marched over to the bag, pushed Anakin out of the way, and punched the bag so hard that it broke off of the chain and went through the wall behind it.

Anakin just stood with his mouth gaping. Kylo, however, just brushed dust off of his knuckles like it was nothing.

I just leaned up against a wall and observed Anakin's dumbfounded look with a smirk on my face. He had no idea how his teacher had made that happen, but I, on the other hand, did. Now my father has shown him the true force and capabilities of being on the Dark Side. And that was only the beginning of what we can show him.

I feel awful for not updating this story sooner, but I don't really have a lot of spare time to write two stories at once on my hands anymore. Unless I get multiple requests to  continue this story, I probably won't write until summer break. I may write if I have an afternoon where I don't have homework, but that's just about it. My sincere apologizes for those who really enjoy this story.

-Darth Fetrah

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