Crush E•D (part 1)

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"Just message him, it's obvious he likes you" your best friend Jessie squealed through your iPad as you FaceTimed her.

You had just told her what your plan was, you were finally going to message your crush, and the most popular guy in school, Ethan Dolan.

You hadn't even opened snapchat, and your heart was already going 1000 beats a second, "maybe I should do it tomorrow" you spoke to Jessie and you locked you're phone.

"Oh my god just message him, there are so many signs that he likes you, now message him bitch" you giggled at Jessie, you could never take her seriously when she used her mom voice.

"Okay fine I'll do it but if it goes wrong I'll just say you took my phone" you once again unlocked your phone but this time you opened up snapchat and slid across on his name "okay this is it I'm doing it" you said your voice shaking, "ugh finally" Jessie said sarcastically.

Even just saying hey was making you nervous, the only thing that had been holding you back for these past few months was the fear of rejection, you really liked him and it had been eating you alive and this was your way of finding closure somehow.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Jessie's voice "have you done it yet?" She said excitedly, "patience, it takes time to type hey, I have to think about emojis and kisses and stuff, give me time" you said laughing slightly.

"Smile emoji and two kisses, if you feel like your being pushy" You hear Jessie say, you typed the words that could either make you become the latest laughing stock of the school or the latest girl that had been consumed by Ethan Dolan's fuckboy ways.

"I've done it" you stated with a mix between confidence and fear. "Yay I'm so happy for you right now" Jessie squealed once again. You looked at your phone.... He replied.

"He's replied, he's replied, he's replied" you kept repeating like a fangirl, "what did he say?" Jessie asked, you opened up the message and a small smile spread across your face, he hadn't said anything amazing but to you a reply was the best thing ever.

"He just said, hey xx" you said proudly, "I'm so happy he replied to you, but I kinda have to go, we are going out to eat and we are leaving now, tell me how it goes, love you" she said smiling while blowing a kiss at the end.

Even though talking to him would be so much easier with Jessie's support and advise, you could do this without her, it looked like it was going well already so there wasn't anything to worry about.

"Of course, and I love you too, bye" you said as you ended the FaceTime call and locked your iPad, you picked up your phone from on you nigh stand and replied to his message asking him how he was but this time you put three kisses feeling a little more confident.

You looked your phone once again and put it back on your nightstand, in the time that you had done this, Ethan had replied, just the thought of him gave you butterflies.

You slid across on his name and we're both happy and concerned by his reply he had said he was not too good and then asked how you were, you felt bad that you were happy he wasn't in a very good mood because it gave you something to ask him.

You asked him what was wrong and said that you were okay. He replied instantly which made you smile more than you already were.

But his reply made your face drop and all the good feelings inside you cower away hiding like a dog getting a scolding from its owner.

He said "because your messaging me and you annoy me" you didn't know what to say to him, you could rant, you could ignore it but you decided on going for the weak approach
All you replied with was "sorry".

You hadn't expected a reply but before you could even leave his contrat he had replied with yet another painful reply, "good, now fuck off ugly bitch" that's was what lead you to letting all the emotions you had been hiding for the past months go.

Tears rolled down your cheeks leaving black mascara stains like ink running down a page, you finally understood why so many girls feared him...


I hope you liked part one and I can't wait for you to find out what happens in part two ☺️☺️🌙🌙🌙☁️☁️☁️🌸🌸🌸 - xoxo Sian.

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