G•D (short imagine)

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~ Halloween fair~

"Let's go on that one." You pointed towards a Ferris wheel in the sender of the late night fair, it was Halloween and you were so happy to be spending it with your boyfriend, Grayson.

Grayson didn't move as you tried to drag him to the ride, his muscular for arm in your thighs grip, you wondered why he wasn't moving, he normally loved going on rides with you.

"What are you doing." You stopped pulling at his arm, walking so your chest was mere inches away from his, his body heat radiating onto your goose bump peppered skin,

it felt like having a crush all over again, the fast beats of your heart, the gentle wings fluttering in your stomach, the way you forgot everything that was on your mind and everyone around you.

All you could focus on was him. You forgot about why you were stood crossed armed in front of this god like male,

but reality kicked in when Grayson chuckled, you knitted your eyebrows together in confusion, "what?"

"Nothing." He smirked walking towards the Ferris wheel.

"Really?" You asked not convinced at all.

"Definitely" he looked over his shoulder and stretched his hand out for you to take, which you did, walking together to the Ferris wheel.

"NEXT!" The man working the ride called out, you and Grayson, hands still entangled, got into your seat that was then locked shut as the ride started to go around steadily.

You looked over at Grayson "why did you stop back then?" Your voice was soft with a hint of confusion.

He smiled, "I was thinking about how lucky I was" he placed his the and fore finger onto your chin gently leaning in and placing a peck on your lips,

"how lucky I am to have you" he said before placing his lips back on yours but this time it wasn't just a peck on the lips.

The kiss was filled with so much affection and tenderness it felt like you were chocolate just melting away into his kiss and touch.

He pulled away too soon, "I love you"

"I love you too" you spoke leaning back in. kissing him was an addiction and you weren't going to stop taking the drug that was him anytime soon.

Hope you all enjoyed this lil imagine 🎃☕️✨🌧🍂🍁 - xoxo Sian

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