Pain game E•D

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You watched silently spaced out of the conversation that your friends where having as you looked at the table only a few away from your own.

You watched while stabbing your fork into the piece of greenery,

You watched, as anger and sadness began to rise in your body,

You watched hoping they would stop, stop putting you in pain that you shouldn't even feel,

And you watched wanting nothing more than to help.

They pushed him to the edge letting him loose his balance, letting him almost fall.

They laughed at the empty shell, letting it echo inside.

They spoke to the soul that wasn't even there, but not words to bring it back, words to push it further away.

They poked at the plain face and body, using it as a canvas to paint red.

Blood red.

"(Y/n), (y/n)!" The sound of your friends calling your name and snapping their fingers at you brought you back from your haze, you keep doing this, almost everyday.

You keep zoning out on the rest of the world and giving your undivided attention to someone who hardly knew you.

You couldn't stand the way he was treated. Almost everyone made fun of him, called him names, poked and prodded and pushed him around. He was like the clique saying... He was their rag doll.

You thought about him from the moment you woke up to the moment you fell asleep and even then you couldn't get away for the thought of him,

you constantly had dreams about him killing himself, you finding out that they had beaten him to death or that they finally understood their mistakes and felt bad for what they had done.

They were less like dreams and more like nightmares though.

Same age, same school, same year, same class. That was all you had in common with him but for some reason you liked him, and you liked him a lot.

You didn't understand how people could turn on a friend just like that. He used to be one of them, but before they started backstabbing and bitching.

He was one of the good guys when he was in the group; never mean to anyone... He was kind.

Now he just seemed empty and lifeless, it was like he had given up and for all you knew he had.

You brought yourself back to reality realising you had done it again, you had zoned out thinking about Ethan.

Ethan Dolan.

The Ethan Dolan that got bullied by his old friends. The group that was made up by the school jocks and cheerleaders... the popular group.

Most people now thought he was a freak, but he hadn't even changed, it was them who had changed.

You looked passed all the flaws that everyone pointed out and saw the boy who was once full of laughter and joy.

You knew he was still in there somewhere, he had to be. Albeit deep down buried by the heavy weight of depression.

He needed help but all he was getting was constant reminders of why he was like this.

Once again you are broken out of your thoughts when the bell to go back to class rings.

You get up picking your stuff up off the table whilst looking out of the corner of your eye to see if they had stopped harassing Ethan.

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