Bully G•D

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"I'm sorry for everything I've done to you, I know that what I did was horrible. You don't have to forgive me but just know that I'm so so so sorry."

He looked down at the floor, and then looked back too you with tears in his eyes that were threatening to spill and roll down his perfectly chiselled face.

"I'm such a bad person (y/n)" that was when he gave in and the tears began streaming down his cheeks, You moved closer and pulled him into a tight embrace, "it's okay, I forgive you."

He lightly pushed you away so he could look at your face, "you shouldn't forgive me, I was so horrible to you, I was so selfish and didn't realise how much my words could hurt".

"Seriously Grayson, I forgive you, don't be so hard on yourself." You said sorrowfully, "thank you" he whispered.

"(Y/n), (y/n)" he said in a stern voice confusing you-

You opened your eyes and were greeted by the sight of your mom, and her sweet but stern voice saying your name, it was all a dream, you thought to yourself.

"Morning" she said smiling, "you need to get up its time for school" "okay" you said pushing the covers off your body as your mom walked back downstairs.

You sighed as you sat on the edge of your bed rubbings your sleepy eyes, and ruffling your hair, which some how seemed to be wake you up properly.

You walked over to your closet getting out a random pair of jeans and a loose t-shirt, not thinking too much about your clothing choice for school.

*at school*

Being 16 you drove, so when you got to school you turned off your car, got your stuff together, locked your car and walked to the school doors, the same routine as normal.

Like everyday you felt like everyone was staring at even though it was just the odd glance that everyone gets.

But there was one person who was definitely staring and it made your stomach churn but not in a good way, you felt like crying, just from a stare... that's what he did to you.

He controlled you and so many other people, with something that you couldn't fight against, fear.

You sped your pace wanting to get away from him, he was a predator and you were his pray, killing you with words.

You wish your dream had been real, being a teenager was hard enough but being bullied by the most popular guy in school didn't help especially when all of his friends joined in.

You got to your friend group, and went around to the other side of the circle so he couldn't see you.

*skip to lunch*

You were in a different class to your friends so sometimes you sat on your own at the lunch table waiting for them to be let out, and today was one of those days.

You were walking to the bin to put your apple core in the bin but as you were you felt someone run into your side and you were pushed over.

You landed on your face and when you opened your eyes your vision was blurry and you felt dizzy, moments later your eyes focused on the ground and you saw a small red puddle

It was your blood, you put your palm to your nose and saw when you pulled it away it were covered in blood, the force of the impact had given you a nose bleed.

Though your leg was in so much pain you managed to pull yourself and stand up, when you finally got on your feet you looked at the person who had knocked you down.

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