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Sitting awkwardly at the table, I clear my throat and smile. I hoped no one could tell how uncomfortable I was. There were so many people here and I was sitting so close to him. Napstabot. My crush since I was fifteen. I was so lucky to be invited by Frisk and Sans here and get the chance to meet him. Now I was just so sure this was a dream.

Frisk leans over and whispers something in my ear. "He likes you, you know. You've met him as Napstablook when his body was out of commission. Just talk to him (y/n), he's not going to do it himself, he's too scared." She tells me and my face blushes. I can feel Napsta looking at me.

"Frisk I...I know I've met him like that before but that was different... and I was still awkward," I tell her.

"No it isn't. Now talk to him."

I sigh and clear my throat. I look down at my hand in my lap. She nudges me and I swollow.

"So, uh, how are you Napstabot?" I ask, feeling very dumb. Frisk, Sans, and Mettaton all look at me. They all knew how I felt and all thought I should step up.

"Well...ever since I got this body I kind of have been kinda ok," he says awkwardly. I look down and everyone else seems kind of pleased.

Later on that night we'd actually started talking a lot more and we even danced some. I was amazed at how human like he felt. Alphys did an amazing job making him and Metta. If you didn't know any better you'd think they were actually human with face paint on. And he was two of my favorite colors, blue and white. His white hair fell over his right eye and had light blue highlights. His glowing blue eyes pierced me as he looks down at me. He was about five six, three inches taller than me. I smile slightly, loving being this close to him. I didn't even know how I ended up this close to him. I was pressed up against him, his hands on my waist and mine on his shoulders. I was wearing a (f/c) dress that hugged my body and fell loosely around my legs and my (h/c) hair was pinned up in a tight pony tail with only my bangs left free. His hands pull me closer and his head dips lower. My eyes slowly fall shut and I feel his lips press against mine. I can hear Frisk and Sans fangirling off to the side. I feel my face heat up and he suddenly moves away.

"I-i-i... I'm so sorry, (y/n)!" He stammers. He rubs his hands down my face and won't look at me.

"Napsta, it's fine! me?" I ask and immediately feel very stupid. Who just asks that?

"(y/n) I...yes... I'm...I have for a month now..." he mumbles. I smile and hug him, pressing my lips against his. He seems surprised and stumbles back a few steps.

It had been about two months since Napstabot and I started dating and he'd respected my bounderies. But now I was finally ready. I wanted him and I want him to want me. I don't know how to make this happen though.

"Hey (y/n), whatcha up to?" Napstabot asks, surprising me. He wasn't wearing a shirt, only a low sitting pair of dark blue jeans. I smile at him and tell him to sit down. Oh God.

"Blooky I've been uh, well you see...I...if...nevermind." I look down and sigh, rubbing my hands together. Napstabot takes my hands and makes me look at him. There was a patient smile on his face.

"You can tell me," he says and I smile. I lean forward and plant a kiss on his lips. I place on hand on his thigh and hear his gasp of surprise. But he gets my hints and pushes me back on the couch. His lips part mine and his tongue slides into my mouth, exploring. One of his hands slide under my shirt. Goose bumps raise all over my body and a tingling starts up down below in a familiar way. When he'd kiss me like this I get very hot and bothered. His hips moved against mine and his hands sent chills through me as they explored my chest. His teeth clamp lightly down on my bottom lip and I blush. He pulls off my shirt and looks down at my naked torso. A light blush spreads across his cheeks and mine as well.

"We don't have to do this, I'll stop whenever you want," Blooky says and I smile. I loved how caring he was. He leans down and kisses me, sliding his hands down my body and undoing my jeans. I feel anxiety fill me as he slides them down, taking the underwear with them. He throws them to the side and takes in the view of my fully naked body. I bite my knuckle and watch him take off his own bottoms, never looking away from me. I look at his member and feel my face heat up more. I couldn't look away. It was so big.

He places his hand on my cheek and kisses me softly. "It'll hurt so just hold my hand and look at me okay?" He says softly. I nod and feel him press against my entrance. How was he going to fit? He slowly slides in and at first it didn't hurt but then there was a ripping feeling and I cry out. He kisses me and massages my breasts to try to dampen the pain.

He waits for me to give him permission and when I do he thrusts slowly and evenly sending waves of pleasure through me. Moans escape me and him both. I wrap my arms around him and he trails kisses down my neck. He moves his hands all over my body, exploring this new playground. He sent shivers through me and made me forget all the bad things.

He flips us over to the other side of the couch so I'm on top and I move my hips slowly against his. He sits up and kisses my neck and breasts, dragging his hands lightly up and down my back. I slide my fingers in his hair and let my head fall back and let a moan escape my throat. He felt so good inside me and I regret ever being scared of this. He flips us back over and pins my hands above me. His thrusts became a small bit faster and his moans louder.

"(y/n)..." he moans. "You're so tight." He holds my hips and thrusts harder. I felt something building up in me and I couldn't hold it in. My back arches and his name crawls from my throat as my insides tense up and a wave of pure ecstasy rolls through me. I could hear him gasp my name only moments after and I felt something warm inside me. He leans down and kisses me softly, smiling.

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