gaster x reader

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"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked the blackness. No matter how much I looked and focused there was no direction to the voice or body. I was walking through the lab under Alphys's place when suddenly I was surrounded by only darkness and there was a large ominous voice speaking to me, telling me that it's been a long time.

"Poor child, I will help jog your memory." I felt a slight breeze that seemed to come from all directions and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see a tall skeletal man with one blue and one orange eye. Over the orange one, the one on the right, there was a crack leading up his skull then splitting into two. On the blue one there was another crack, leading down to the sickening smile he had. He was wearing a cream colored turtle neck and a black suit. His hand was skeletal too, of course, but had a hole in the palms. He was six foot nine probably and I had to tilt my head back to see his face.

My eyes grow wide and I stumble back. Where the hell did he come from? Where the hell was I? Who the hell was he? What the actual fuck?

"Do not be afraid because you don't remember, my dear." The man says, taking a step toward me.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I repeat. I wanted answers. "And what don't I remember?"

He leans down, if he had a nose it would have been touching mine. His close proximity causes by breath to hitch and I could see now that his eyes were only floating smoking orbs in his otherwise empty sockets.

"Why, me, of course. I'm Gaster. And I just wish for you to remember." His smile somehow becomes even more creepy and I take another step back.

"Remember what?" I ask cautiously.

He grins and everything seems to freeze, including my heart and ability to function. He comes closer again and leans down again, this time he kept going until his teeth were pressed against my lips in what seemed to be a kiss of some sorts. I gasp and move back but before I could get too far he placed his hand on the back of my neck and brought me back. I try to push him away but find myself enjoying it. I ball my fists in his jacket and pull him closer. He seems pleased by this and pulls away. I felt the need for him and wanted to move closer but I knew better. Plus he was too tall.

"Do you still not remember?" He asks and I shake my head not trusting my voice. He seems to know my internal struggle and smirks. "It will be fine (y,n). I will help you remember." He chuckles darkly before moving his hand in a dismissive motion. His eyes never leave mine as the scene around us began to change. I glance around, seeing a cozy little room with a large bed, a desk, and a chair. The walls were a deep purple and the carpet reminded me of a red velvet cake. The bed was an aray of golds and beige. Gaster's hands are suddenly on me, pushing me back toward the bed. I gasp and bite my lip when his hand brushes over my chest. He grins down at me and slowly drags his finger down my body, starting from my lips. My heart fluttered at his touch and his low chuckle sends shivers down my spine. He slips his fingers under my shirt and excruciatingly slowly slides it off of me.

"Your skin is so soft." He smiles at me and leans down, biting the skin on my neck. I moan out and he chuckles again. His hands slide behind me and unhooks my bra. I gasp when the cool air hits my breasts and the little buds harden. He makes a pleased noise and a long, duel colored tongue slides out of his mouth. He slides his tongue over the bud, making me bite my lip to keep in the moans.

"Humans are so much different than monsters, especially you." He comments, giving me a smirk. I blush and his hand slides down my stomach, sliding along the hem of my pants. Goose bumps rise along my body and I hold my breath.

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